Thursday 31 March 2016

HIS OOTD powered by JORD WATCH #tellingmorethanjusttime

ENG: My hubby is usually always the one who is behind the camera, but I managed to convince him to be Jord watch model for the day :-)
His watch is Delmar in black sandalwood and blue carbon.

My hubby is in the car tuning industry and he works with carbon fibres. He also loves simple, sostainable/ eco pieces, timeless pieces that are great quality and made to last. He is against consumerism and appreciates new, innovative ideas and unique designs. That's why this time, for Jord he was willing to make an exception and stand in front of the camera.

HR: Moj muzic je obicno onaj koji stoji iza kamere, ali danas sam ga uspijela nagovoriti da bude model Jordovih satova na jedan dan :-)
Njegov sat je Delmar, model "black sandalwood and blue carbon" (crna sandalovina i plavi karbon).

Moj muz bavi se tuningom automobila, a jedna od njegovih specijalnosti izrada je automobilskih djelova od karbon fibri. On je ljubitelj jednostavnih i eko proizvoda, a pri izboru bilo cega prioritet mu je kvaliteta i bezvremenski dizajn, proizvod mora biti funkcionalan i dugotrajan.
On prezire konzumizam, a podrzava inovativne ideje i originalan dizajn.
Zbog toga je, samo ovaj put, za Jord napravio iznimku i stao ispred kamere.

ENG: I'm also a big fan of Jord watches! My Jord watch is mod. Sully in natural green.

HR: I ja sam veliki fan Jord satova! Moj Jord sat je Sully u "natural green" (prirodno zelena).

ENG: Check out our Jord watch travel diary! Visiting Croatia! Opatija, Ika, Lovran ♥

HR: Pogledajte novi video, kratki vlogic iz Hrvatske :-)

Check out other models of Jord watches here

Wednesday 30 March 2016


ENG: Hello loves! I hope you all had a lovely Easter holidays! I was on a very short trip to Croatia, just visiting my family! I didn't get much rest and the time flew by :-/
Also, most of my family and friends were ill so I wasn't able to see them. I didn't have much luck this time, I guess.

I wanted to show you an outfit inspiration for the early Spring days, when the weather is still rather chilly and you need to layer in order to keep warm. Most of the things from this outfit I got on super sale, at the end of this winter season!

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Nadam se da ste dobro proveli uskrsnje blagdane! Ja sam bila na vrlo kratkom putu, isla sam doma u Hrvatsku posjetiti svoje. Nisam se uopce odmorila i vrijeme je proletilo! :-/
Vecina mojih bila je bolesna i gripozna, tako da puno dragih ljudi nisam ni vidjela. Ovoga puta izgleda nisam bas imala srece.

Htjela sam vam pokazati jednu outfit ideju za ovo jos uvijek prohladno vrijeme. Slojevito oblacenje i dalje mi je MUST, a poseban mi je gust nositi nove krpice koje sam ugrabila na ludim snizenjima na kraju zimske sezone!

OVERCOAT: Stradivarius
LEATHER JACKET: Stradivarius
BOOTS: Stradivarius

BACKPACK: Handmade in Croatia by Raffaella fashion

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Details of Cortina D'Ampezzo ♥♥

ENG: Hi loves! Thank you so much for following my blog! It really means a world to me and you're my biggest source of inspiration :-)

Today I'm bringing you some amazing shots from Cortina d'Ampezzo. Sometimes we're so concentrated on ourselves, that we skip the incredible beauty that surrounds us. That's why this post is dedicated entirely to the beauty of Cortina, and to these amazing landscapes that just being able to appreciate them, makes you feel very grateful and priviledged. Thank you life, for all this beauty!

"...But did you know,
That when it snows,
My eyes become large and
The light that you shine can be seen..." Seal "Kiss From A Rose"

HR: Pozdrav ljepotice! Hvala vam puno sto pratite moj blog! Vjerujte mi, puno mi znaci vasa podrska i vi ste moj najveci izvor inspiracije :-)

Danas vam donosim neke predivne fotografije sa naseg putovanja u Cortinu d'Ampezzo. Ponekad smo toliko zaokupljeni nama samima, da propustamo uociti ljepotu koja nas okruzuje. Bas zbog toga ovaj post posvecen je u cijelosti detaljima Cortine i njezinoj ljepoti! Pogledajte ove prekrasne krajolike. Sama mogucnost uzivanja u ovakvom prizoru, cini me sretnom, osjecam se zahvalnom i privilegiranom. Hvala ti zivote, na ovoj ljepoti!

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