Thursday 26 May 2016
Sunny minty day ♥
ENG: Hello loves! After days and days of bad weather, finally, a chance to photograph a more summery outfit! I'm really looking forward to this summer, warm weather and long sunny days!
Summertime...and living is easy! :-)
I wore my favourite boyfriend jeans by Zara and this cute little top that I received recently from Sammydress. My sneakers are by a famous croatian brand Startas (these have a real cult status in Croatia and a long tradition! I'd say they're a croatian equivalent of All Star sneakers!)
HR: Pozdrav svima! Nakon duzeg razdoblja loseg vremena, konacno evo prilike za fotkanje jednog laganijeg outfita koji odise ljetom! Ja se bas radujem dolasku ljeta, dugim, suncanim toplim danima!
Ljeto...i zivot je lak! :-)
Nosila sam moj omiljen boyfriend jeans iz Zare sa ovim slatkim ljetnim topicem koji mi je stigao sa Sammydress-a. A tenisice? Popularne Startasice, nas kult proizvod! Obozavam ih i vise nego starke!
TOP: Sammydress
NECKLACE: Pull & Bear
SNEAKERS: Startas (made in Croatia)
WOODEN WATCH: Jord mod. Sully in Natural Green
boyfriend jeans,
fashion blog,
made in croatia,
pull and bear,
quality croatian fashion brands,
ripped jeans,
startas tenisice,
Tuesday 17 May 2016
Sunny day, red dress ♥
ENG: After a long period of rain and bad weather, today was finally nice & sunny! I took the opportunity to shoot this outfit post for you :-) This red dress is a new arrival in my closet, it was sent to me from Sammydress web store. It's a soft cotton fabric and the design is very casual...perfect for those "lazy days", red looks good on blondes ;-)
HR: Nakon duzeg kisnog perioda i hladnoce, danas je konacno bilo suncano i lijepo! Iskoristila sam priliku za fotkanje ovog outfita! Crvena haljina novost je u mom ormaru pa sam vam htjela pokazati kako sam ju stilizirala u danasnjem outfitu! Poslana mi je od Sammydress web ducana (da li biste voljeli da snimim haul video?), materijal je mekani pamuk, a haljinicu sam definirala kao idealnom za one "lijene dane" kada zelite biti casual (samo nabacite tajice, haljinicu i par statement asesoara i to je to!) je i sto je crvena, jer dobro pristaje plavusama ;-)
BAG: Gift from my mother in law
SOCKS: Calzedonia Outlet
EARRINGS: INA Market, Italy
Na hrvatskom kanalu imam novi vlogic, pogledajte!
casual outfit ideas,
croatian fashion bloggers,
how to wear leggings,
hrvatski modni blog,
red dress,
spring ootd,
street style,
urban style
Tuesday 10 May 2016
OOTD: #zarapeople, #zaradaily |
ENG: Hi guys! Here I have another outfit post + video for you! This already went live on Glam Express but as usual, I like to post all my looks here on my blog too :-)
This outfit is super chic and I'm wearing mostly Zara (things that I got on sale, I'll include my fashion haul videos where I was showing you my huge Zara haul/ fab bargains that I got!). I felt like a model from one of those Zara ads, lol
Btw...I have to mention, these boots are rubbish! After this photo shooting, they literally fell apart and I had no choice but to throw them away! I promised myself I'll think twice about the quality of material a certain item is made of, before making my purchase from now on! I had too many bags and shoes that have fallen apart in just a few years and not even that much usage, so, a big thumbs down for this consumism! My mission from now on is to fulfill my wardrobe with things that are made to last!
HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Danas za vas imam novi outfit post + video! Ovaj outfit vec je objavljen na Glam Expressu, ali i sami znate da volim dijeliti sve svoje outfit kombinacije i ovdje na blogu!
Ovaj outfit je super sik, a vecina stvari koju nosim je Zara (stvarcice koje sam ugrabila na nekom luuudom snizenju; ostaviti cu vam i link fashion haul videa gdje sam vam ih predstavljala!) U ovoj outfit kombinaciji, osjecala sam se kao model sa Zarinog reklamnog postera, haha
Btw...moram napomenuti da su se ove cizme ispostavile pravim smecem! Nakon ovog fotkanja, doslovno su se raspale i nisam imala druge vec direktno njima napuniti kos :-/ Obecala sam si da cu ubuduce posvetiti puno vise paznje kakvim su materijalima radjeni odredjeni predmeti i samoj njihovoj kvaliteti, prije kupovine! Previse sam vec torbi i cipela imala koje su mi se nakon par godina (i ne bas toliko puno nosenja), doslovno raspale! Ogorcena sam na ovaj konzumizam i moja misija od sada je napuniti ormar stvarima koje su napravljene kako bi trajale!
Znate li za onu uzrecicu: "Nisam dovoljno bogata da kupujem jeftine stvari?" E pa ima u tome istine!
OOTD & Zara fashion hauls:
NECKLACE: Vintage (my granny's)
BOOTS: Imaty's fashion factory
BAG: Deichmann
SUNGLASSES: Stradivarius
Thursday 5 May 2016
Welcome to Kastav, my home!
ENG: Hello loves! I already published this OOTD on Glam Express, but I think I might have forgotten to post it here! (Correct me if I'm wrong, lol!)
This is a casual and comfy outfit that I wore for running some earrands when I was staying in my hometown in Croatia. I love going to Kastav, as it's so peaceful and beautiful there! I love the panoramic view of all the Kvarner bay and the islands, just looking at that view, makes me love and appreciate where I'm coming from even more!
HR: Pozdrav ljepotice! Ovaj sam outfit post vec objavila na Glam Expressu (da li citate moje clanke na tom web portalu? Nadam se da da, jer ja tu beauty zajednicu bas obozavam!!!), ali mislim da sam zaboravila staviti ove fotke i ovdje na blog! (Prelistavala sam blog i nisam ih mogla pronaci, a vi me ispravite ako grijesim!)
Ovo je jedna casual i prije svega udobna kombinacija za obavljanje razlicitih zadataka koje sam imala kada sam boravila u svom domu u Hrvatskoj. Usput mi je bilo otici na Kastav, a ja taj mali gradic zaista volim! To je moj dom :-) Tako miran i snen; setnja Kastvom uvijek je opustajuca, a panorama, pogled koji se pruza na cijeli Kvarner i otoke predivan! Tu uvijek shvatim koliko volim ono sto jesam i od kuda dolazim :-) ♥
JEANS: Hollister
BAG: Nico fashion stores, Italy
NECKLACES: Pull & Bear
WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green
NAIL POLISH: Bourjois 06 Adora- bleu
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