Tuesday 28 March 2017

Last pregnancy OOTD

Hello world!
Whilst my little one is taking one of his short afternoon naps, I thought I'd hurry up and write a few lines here as it's been a while...
This OOTD is the last pregnancy outfit we photographed, but I never got around posting it, the time just flew by! We shot this outfit probably in November or early December so I was already in my third trimester, getting towards the end of my pregnancy. By this stage, all I wanted to wear were comfy and warm sweater dresses!
This dress I actually grabbed at my local thrift store, for only 2 €! I love the oversized fit of it and I'm sure I'm going to wear it even next year, for the colder weather.

My little boy is already 2 months old! At first, I didn't have any time for myself or for my work on blog or youtube (good thing I had some pre recorded videos that I filmed in advance, so there wouldn't be too long of a gap between posting on my social medias! I really didn't want to neglect you guys who have been following me for all these years!)
As my boy is getting bigger, we're slowly establishing some sort of a routine and he spends much more time naping, or awake, but not crying and instead exploring the world and the things that surround him with interest and always with a smile on his face.
He's adorable and I could watch him for hours and spend a whole day interacting with him. These moments are so precious, I want to soak everything in!
Even now, as I'm writing this post, I'm sitting next to him, as he's sleeping on my bed, and I watch him with a smile on my face and immense love in my heart!

Outfit details:

Wool coat- H&M
Bandana - local chinese store
Sweaterdress- thrifted
Boots- Dr. Marten's
Black tights- Kiabi (maternity)
Leather backpack- old (bought in Croatia more than 15 years ago)
Rings- H&M, Accessorize, Bijou Brigitte & other

Oh btw, please ignore the hot mess of my hair! It wasn't the happiest period as I wasn't able to visit my hairdresser in Croatia, and also, because of the pregnancy, I had to be careful of what I'm using to colour my hair!

In case you haven't seen them yet, here are some new pregnancy related videos that I recently uploaded on my youtube channel:

"What's in my hospital bag for labour and delivery"

"Pregnancy/Maternity Outlet Haul"

"My Pregnancy Diet"

Also, if you're interested to hear about my labour & delivery, check out this video HERE!

Thursday 16 March 2017

New In: EnjoyOurs.com

Hi guys!
I have a mini "New In" post, as recently I ordered a few bits from EnjoyOurs web store. I was very pleased with fast shipping, customer's service and great prices! The products I ordered are things I had on my wish list for a while now and I know I'm going to use them a lot.
This web store offers a vast selection of products, from beauty & health, to clothing, electronics, everything for home decor and more! They also have free worldwide shipping, which is great!

Isn't this the cutest phone case ever!? I was trying to find a unicorn phone case in regular stores, but without luck, so I was super excited when I spotted this one at EnjoyOurs web shop.
It's made out of soft plastic and it protects your phone and makes it a bit more special (super fun & cute!) This phone case retails at only $ 2.29 and you can grab yours HERE!

Next I got this sparkly choker necklace. I love it! Chokers are on trend right now, and this one is great for special occasions and dressing up your simple outfit.
It retails for only $ 1.69, I don't think you can find it anywhere else for cheaper! Grab yours HERE (btw, you can pick between thinner and wider ones, the style that you like best!)

Third thing I ordered is this black beauty blender, little popular egg shaped sponge for make up application. I already have beauty blenders from sephora, H&M, and Bipa drugstore, but I really wanted to test out this one to see what's the difference and is it any better in applying make up than the others that I have...
I found this beauty blender at incredibly great price of only $ 2.59 and you can get yours HERE (and pick between different colours).

That was my mini beauty haul from EnjoyOurs. Have you ever shopped at this web store? What did you pick? Remember to use a 10% off coupon code when placing your order at EnjoyOurs! Write TRL10 at check out (a bit of discount is always welcome, isn't it? And given the fact that the prices are already super affordable and the shipping is free, this makes shopping at this web store that much more inviting!).

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Zaful New In: Accessories, Clothes & Make Up Tools...

Hi guys! I got a few bits from Zaful recently and I thought I'd share them with you :-)
I spotted this cute, military parka with embroideries and thought it's the perfect item for this period and the upcoming Spring. It's very casual and practical for Spring walks with my son and my dog, yet still it's quite chic clothing item!
I also picked a set of make up brushes because these were a great deal: A set of 12 goat hair eye make brushes for only $ 5.03
They're awesome quality and these shapes are exactly what I needed to create a perfect eye make up: Quick & easy for every day, or more elaborated for special occasions!
Next in my shopping bag was this super cute head band with cat's ears (handy little thing to have when applying / removing make up, or face mask!)
I hope you liked this little haul :-)
I'll be sharing with you soon some other beauty bits that I ordered recently on-line!

A set of 12 goat hair eye make up brushes HERE
$ 5.03

Military style parka with embroideries HERE
$ 41.99

I 'm loving our Spring walks!

beautiful embroidery details <3

The cutest hair band! HERE
$ 3.42

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