Hi guys!
Today's post is beauty related and I know a lot of you have been waiting on this review! :)
So, finally, here it is!
I got these brushes from T-mart web store this past summer, so I've had them for a good couple of months now, I was able to properly test them out before bringing you this review!
As you can tell from the pics, these brushes are the dupes for the Real Techniques make up brushes!
These are also a cheaper alternatives to the RT brushes, because, at the retail price of only 7.29€ (+ FREE SHIPPING!), you'll get the whole set of 5 face brushes!
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from left to right: highlighter/concealer brush liquid foundation brush stippling brush powder foundation brush angled/contouring brush |
These brushes, I must say, have amazed me!
Because they're so inexpensive, I really didn't have high expectations, but the quality of the hair fibres is awesome and I honestly couldn't be happier with these brushes!
The only negative point I'd give them is the quality of the handles, because two of them arrived broken (the black plastic part detached from the electric blue metal part- I guess because it wasn't handled with care during the shipping!), so I had to glue them back together with a superglue (so far- so good!).
Other than that, as I've said, the bristles are really superior quality and these brushes have completely transformed my makeup routine (making the whole process of applying makeup more fun!)
You can get your own set of these 5 brushes here!
Here is how I use them:
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I use the round tip brush to apply my liquid foundations, or BB creams! It blends the product into my skin perfectly :) |
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Similar brush, but a little bit more narrow/pointy towards the tip...I use it to apply my highlighter and/or my concealers! |
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This slightly angled brush I use for applying a bronzer and I find it's perfect for contouring :) |
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This next brush is pretty much the same as the one on the pic above, only it's not angled. I use it to apply my compact foundations/ powdery consistency products! |
Detailed review & demo:
(click on the "play" button to watch my video!)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding these brushes!
Lijep pozdrav svima!
Danas vam donosim jednu zanimljivu "beauty" recenziju!
Znam da vec mnogi iscekujete ovaj blog post i da sam ga obecala napraviti jos ovog ljeta, ali prije detaljne recenzije ipak sam zeljela temeljito isprobati proizvode kako bih dosla do zakljucka o njima :)
Radi se o ovom setu od pet makeup kistova koji su vrlo slicni Real Techniques kistovima!
Set imam vec dobrih par mjeseci i koristim se ovim kistovima svakodnevno.
Zaista su me odusevili i cijenom, a prije svega kvalitetom!
Buduci da set od 5 kistova za lice kosta samo 7,29€ (+ besplatni troskovi postarine!), iskreno nisam imala velika ocekivanja, stoga me je odlicna kvaliteta ovih kistova jako ugodno iznenadila i jednostavno odusevila!
Posebno mi se svidja kvaliteta dlake od koje su kistovi napravljeni, dok same drske nisu toliko dobro napravljene (meni su naime dvije stigle ostecene- vjerojatno u slanju- i morala sam ih ponovno zalijepiti, buduci da se crni plasticni dio drske odljepio od metalnog dijela!...za sad se dobro drze, ali morati cu biti opreznija pri pranju!)
Vjerojatno cete morati i nesto duze cekati na isporuku (ja sam cekala par tjedana), ali, oboruzajte se strpljenjem i vjerujte mi, isplatiti ce vam se!
Set se sastoji od:
- kista za nanosenje tekuce podloge, ili BB kreme
- kista za nanosenje iluminatora i korektora
- kista za nanosenje pudera u kamenu
- ukosenog kista za konturiranje
- kista za "stippling", famoznu "bockalicu"
Set mozete naruciti ovdje!
Pogledajte ostalu ponudu Tmart web ducana.
Video recenziju i demonstraciju kako ja koristim ove kistove prilikom svakodnevnog nanosenja makeup-a, pogledajte ovdje!
Nadam se da vam je ova recenzija bila korisna, a ukoliko imate kakvih dodatnih pitanja u vezi ovih kistova, ne ustrucavajte se pitati!
Pusa iz Italije,
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