Friday, 31 July 2015

Boho vibes for the beach // Lignano, Kursaal

ENG: Finally, beach! My hubby & I were so busy in July that the whole month flew by without us even getting anywhere close to the beach :-( I'm desperate because of that and I hate to think that I'm actually happy that July is over! I love summertime and I can't stand watching summer days go by without me actually enjoying them to the fullest! Oh well, while others are partying, some of us have to work for a living, right? That's the way life goes...
On a happier note, I'm looking forward to my August adventures and cheers to that!
Btw...yes, I'm super pale on these photos. That's just my natural skin colour. I hope it doesn't bother you. I learned to love it!
These photos were taken in Lignano tourist resort, near the famous Kursaal discotheque, past month, when we were on our way to Croatia!

HR:  Konacno, fotke iz turistickog mjesta, konacno plaza! Muzic i ja bili smo toliko zaposleni ovaj mjesec, da se nismo stigli niti pribliziti moru :-( Ja sam ocajna zbog toga i uzasna mi je pomisao da se radujem sto je srpanj pri kraju! Obozavam ljeto i tesko mi je gledati kako ljetni dani izmicu, bez da ja uzivam u njima koliko bih zaista htjela! Ah, sto reci, dok se neki zabavljaju, neki od nas moraju i raditi da bi prezivjeli, zar ne? Jel' to tako nekako ide zivot?...
Prebacujem se na sretniju temu, radujem se avanturama koje mi predstoje u kolovozu! Zahvalna sam na tome i neka budu sto radosnije, sretnije i bezbriznije...drugo mi ne treba!
Jedan mali "btw" prije nego sto se odjavim...da, bijela sam ko' sir na ovim fotkama. Takva mi je boja koze. Nadam se da vam ne smeta. Ja sam ju naucila voljeti!
Fotke su nastale prije nekih mjesec dana kada smo muzic i ja bili na putu prema Hrvatskoj. Zaustavili smo se u Lignanu i proveli popodne sa drustvom na plazi, ispred poznatog disco-cluba Kursaal u kojem je nastupao taj dan i Gigi D'Agostino.

TOP: Hollister


NECKLACES: Accessorize, & some on-line web store
BRACELETS: MUWAE  (shop here)


Thursday, 30 July 2015

Jord Watch Review & Unboxing

ENG: Today's post is a little introduction of my collaboration with Jord watches.
I'm very excited to have started this collaboration, as I find Jord company quite unique and interesting. Jord watch is sustainable, efficient, simple, and influenced by experimental living.
Jord believes that Jord watch owners don't just have somewhere to be, they have somewhere to go.
Wood is the main feature of Jord watches as Jord's style is guided by a deep appreciation for natural elements.
From the wast selection of Jord watches, I picked out Sully model in "Natural Green" 
I love it! In my first Jord video I'm showing you the unboxing part (that's always fun, right?), and giving you more in debth review about the company. This is just a little introduction to our collaboration, and the next videos/ posts will serve to tell a story about my adventures with Jord watch...we have somewhere to go! :-)

HR: U danasnjem postu zelim vam "brzinski" najaviti suradnju sa Jord satovima
Jako sam uzbudjena zbog ove suradnje, jer smatram da je Jord jedan vrlo originalan i interesantan brand. Jord satovi su ekoloski, efikasni, jednostavni i izradjeni pod utjecajem eksperimentalnog nacina zivljenja.
Jord kompanija vjeruje da vlasnici Jord sata ne moraju samo negdje biti, vec imaju negdje za ici! Drvo je osnovna karakteristika sata i njegov glavni element, buduci da u Jordu postuju prirodne elemente i vole ih spajati sa modernom tehnologijom i modernim nacinom zivota.
Iz velike ponude Jord satova, izabrala sam si model Sully, u boji natural green  
Obozavam ga! A da ne govorim o komplimentima i upitima koje sam u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju dobila, vezanim uz moj novi sat!
U prvom Jord videu pokazujem vam otvaranje paketica (taj dio je uvijek zabavan za pogledati, zar ne?), te vam dajem vise vrijednih informacija o Jord brandu. To je samo mali uvod u ovu suradnju, jer u iducim postovima/ videima imati cu vam za ispricati cijelu pricu o mojim avanturama sa Jord satom...jer mi imamo negdje za ici! :-)

 Youtube video presentation of Jord watch & unboxing:


A day with my Jord watch

Trying to pick out the lipstick for the day... ;-)

It's time for an afternoon snack...

Photos from my instagram

Check out the entire collection of Jord watches: click here! My watch is from the Sully series (Natural Green): click here!

Wood Watches For Men

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

How to Wear a Statement Necklace? (feat. Happiness Boutique)

Hi guys! I recently teamed up with Happiness Boutique and they let me choose one of the gorgeous statement necklaces from their big offer!
It was quite difficult to pick one necklace among all those wonderful pieces, but at the end, my choice was this super gorgeous and bold statement piece, called Gem Filled Statement Necklace.
I picked it out because of its colours and sparkliness! I love it!

I decided to give you a couple of outfit ideas, how I'd style this necklace for various different occasions. I believe this piece can be worn in many different stylings, from everyday casual, to dressy for special events!

SANDALS (shown in my youtube video): Pull & Bear

SHOES (shown in my youtube video): Zara

SHOES (shown in my youtube video): Stradivarius 


Click on the thumbnail bellow to see all these 3 outfits in a styling video:

Happiness Boutique is a cool, young and trendy fashion store! They offer a big selection of statement jewellery and trendy clothes! They also have free shipping, and super friendly customer's service!
It's a pleasure ordering things from there, as your order will be delivered in the cutest packaging and with the warmest thank you notes & cards...they really do pay a lot of attention to every single detail!
You also might be interested in their customer's reward program   which is super cool because it gives you the possibility to receive awesome free gifts! 

Check out my Unboxing & Review video on Happiness Boutique: 



A few photos from my instagram & a couple of more styling ideas!



At last, a big thank you goes to Happiness Boutique, for being so awesome! Not a lot of shops offer a friendly face to their customers, most shops just take us for granted! Happiness Boutique really knows how to make each individual client feel special ♥

I'm taking this necklace with me on my summer vacations, and you're going to be able to see me wearing it in many of my future outfit posts, that's for sure! :-)


Monday, 27 July 2015

If I could turn back time...

ENG: Standing by the river, looking at it how it runs wild and unstoppable, always moving forward, I find myself wondering what would I change in my life if I could turn back time...
Actually there aren't many things, not even my first big heartbreak, that brought me many years of tears...I think everything that happened led me to the person who I am today. However, I would be tempted to go way back in time to when I was a teenager and try to change one thing: I would not let my parents get a divorce. I would be a better daughter to my Dad, I would spend so much more time with him, enjoying doing father- daughter things...
But, there is no turning back time. There is only one life to live and I'm pretty sure you don't get a "repeat & try again" option with it. At last, everything comes down to this Bil Keane's quote:

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift; that's why it's called a present."

So let's try to live our todays the way we won't have any regrets in the future, nor any desires to change something in our past.

HR: Stojim uz rijeku, gledam ju kako tece, divlja, nezaustavljiva i uvijek naprijed te pocinjem razmisljati sto bih promijenila u svom zivotu kada bih imala priliku vratiti vrijeme... U biti, nema puno toga, cak ne bih promijenila niti svoju prvu nesretnu ljubav koja mi je donijela mnogo godina suza i patnje...jer sve to su neka zivotna iskustva koja su me dovela do osobe koja jesam danas. Ipak, jedna je stvar kojoj ne bih mogla odoljeti i napravila bih tu promjenu, pa sto god da se poslije desilo izazvano njome...Vratila bih se daleko u vrijeme kada sam bila tinejdzerica i ucinila bih sve kako se moji roditelji ne bi razveli. Bila bih bolja kcer svome tati i puno bih vise vremena provela sa njim u bezbriznim i radosnim "tata- kcer" trenucima...
Ali, povratak vremena nije opcija. Imamo taj dar zivota koji je samo jedan i prilicno sam sigurna da ne dolazi sa opcijom "ponovi i pokusaj ponovno".
Naposljetku, jedan je Bil Keanov citat poanta moje price:

 "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift; that's why it's called a present." 

Stoga zivimo danas na nacin da sutra necemo imati nikakvih zaljenja za ucinjenim i nikakvih zelja za povratkom vremena.

Sunglasses: Nau!, Top: Hollister, Skirt: H&M, Sneakers: All Star Converse, Socks: Oviesse, Bag: Nico fashion store, Italy, Necklace: Accessorize, random bracelets

OOTD video:


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