Sunday 22 October 2023



Hello lovely people!

I promised to show you my OOTD in a blog post, so here it is😊

I wore this beautiful vintage leather jacket that I scored second hand for only 7€, paired with Levi´s jeans, Sezane belt and some leather booties.

Almost everything that I wore is styled with second hand items (except for the sunnies and my turtleneck, both items are from H&M and I bought them a couple of years ago whilst I was still working there).

I like spending time in the nature, it feels so peaceful and relaxing🌟

This is just my casual, boho chic look that I like and it feels comfy and cozy.

I just opened a new instagram account dedicated to my home and all the heartwarming things. If you feel like showing some love ❤️ and support, you can follow it here

All the credits go to my wonderful little son for making this cute logo!

And now, back to the outfit, here are some more photos 🥰

Outfit details:

Leather jacket: Second hand, vintage

Floral print turtleneck: H&M

Striped cardigan:second hand shop (was brand new with a tag still on)

Suede backpack: Zara (second hand)

Jeans: Levi´s (second hand)

Suede belt: Sezane (second hand)

Leather boots: second hand

You can check out my OOTD video feat. this outfit here:

I hope you like this outfit and that it may serve you as a little inspiration 🥰

Sending love and blessings your way❤️🌟

Saturday 21 October 2023


 Hello lovelies!

I felt like doing a little fashion post today. Weekend seems like a perfect time to sit down with a cup of hot tea and turn to blogging😊

I wanted to share some newest fashion finds from Sezane 🥰🛍

I really like their style and quality of the fabrics! I found all these items second hand, over the period of the past couple of months. 

You guys already know how passionate I am when it comes to second hand fashion. 

When it comes to clothes, I rarely buy anything new anymore, and I also have my little second hand corner, where I sell my clothes (most items are practically new), that I don't wear anymore🛍

You can check it out here, I ship internationally, and the prices are super convenient!!! 

So let's start with this little Sezane haul, you can even watch my YouTube video here:

This mustard color polka dot sheer blouse is so cute! I really like the romantic vibes of it 🥰
I can wear it in summer, but also in the fall season, layered over a turtleneck or a long sleeve top.

This black polka dot pleated skirt is a real classic! It's an item that will never go out of style and it'll quickly become my closet's essential.
I like to style it in a fun and unexpected way (take a look here), so even though it's such a classic, you can definitely turn it into a fun and unique outfit.

Next is this dusty rose denim jacket 🥰 It's such a great piece for spring and early fall period.
I´m in love with the color, and I absolutely love to wear it with jeans and pants, and floral print dresses...well, you name it! This jacket really goes well with everything!

This Sezane leather belt is another great find. It's real suede, great quality, one of those pieces that'll last forever!

Last, but not least, is a pair of these gorgeous black suede cowboy boots! They're so cute and perfect to wear with pants, skirts and dresses🥰

Another must have piece that will always be in style! I bought them in a size 40 and they fit true to size (the model is a bit narrow, so it might not fit if you have wider feet.)

That's it for this haul🛍 But I'm definitely keeping my eyes peeled on the current Sezane second hand offers and hopefully soon I'll add a piece or two in my Sezane collection🥰

Let me know, which one was your fave item of this haul?

Would you like to see a video feat. my entire Sezane collection?

Thank you for stopping by! Have a nice weekend my friends🌟

I'll talk to you soon (I'm preparing a little OOTD post+video for you soon!)

Monday 16 October 2023



I tried Kerastase nutritive 8 h magic night serum, overnight nourishing serum for dry hair and I made a little video review about it:

My hair has been quite dry and damaged because of the mix of factors, such as stress, applying too much heat on it, treating it with bleach and covid also played it's role.

I realised I have to go on a mission of recovering my hair, and I purchased some high quality products that might help me on this journey.

Kerastase nutritive 8 h magic night serum is described as an overnight treatment meant to nourish dry strands. The stars of this serum are iris root and the five-vitamin blend. Iris root replenishes and prolongs nutrition while the blend of vitamins penetrates the hair shaft and seals your cuticles. This serum boasts that it will hydrate your strands and leave your hair softer than it was before application.

Formulated with plant-based proteins and niacinamide, this luxurious cream protects from pillow friction, providing -84% less frizz and +98% strength.

This serum has a very lightweight consistency and it won't leave your hair oily or greasy. It makes it soft and silky, which is really nice when you have dry, brittle and damaged hair.
I use it as an overnight treatment (I use two/three pumps of the product, distribute it on the lengths of my hair and then I braid my hair into a French braid and go to sleep). The next morning my hair is looking pretty fab, with light waves and quite silky to the touch.
Another way I like to use it actually during the day, I apply one pump of it and distribute it all over my hair, whenever I feel it's needed.
I find that it helps in detangling my hair and also makes it look better.
I also use it right after washing my hair, when my hair is still damp, just before blow drying it.
You can use this product on wet or dry hair, and it's leave in formula, so it deeply nourishes and takes care of your hair.
I really do like it, however it does have one negative point and that it the actual price of the product.
The bottle contains 90ml, and the price ranges anywhere from € 55 to 47€ (with discount codes and promotions). I'd say it's quite a lot! I'll definitely try to search for a cheaper alternative.
Kerastase products were always my favorite products when it comes to hair care, they're very luxurious, they perform extremely well, and I've never been left disappointed by any of the Kerastase products that I've tried.
But since I'm moving towards direction of natural cosmetics and I'm also looking not to spend a small fortune on beauty products, I figured I might just need to find something that works just as well as this 8h serum!
If you have any recommendations, feel free to drop me a line in the comments!

I hope you enjoyed this review, thank you ever so much for stopping by!

I'll talk to you soon!

Thursday 12 October 2023



Hej bok ljudi!

Evo me opet na blogu są jednim postom vezanim uz prirodnu kozmetiku! Kao sto neki od vas vec mozda znaju, velika sam pobornica i ljubiteljica prirodne kozmetike i postepeno prelazim na iskljucivo prirodnu kozmetiku jer smatram da je puno bolja i zdravija za moje tijelo i moju dusu 🌟

U danasnjem postu pisem vam o Rossen bio kozmetici i o proizvodima koje sam od njih narucila i koji su me zaista odusevili. Bitno mi je naglasiti da recenzija nije sponzorirana, sve proizvode sama sam kupila i ovo su moja istinska mišljenja 🥰

Unboxing video kao i kratke recenzije o isprobanim proizvodima mozete pogledati ovdje:

Unboxing paketica radila sam u svom dvoristu, u prirodi, na sunceku te je sama atmosfera bila bas posebna! Tu su i nastale ove prekrasne fotkice, ovih divnih proizvoda stopljenih sa prirodom 🥰

Kao sto mozete vidjeti, sve je jako lijepo i dobro zapakirano, sa puno paznje, tako da nema brige da bi se neki proizvod mogao u slanju ostetiti!

Pa idem odmah na recenzije jer proizvoda ima puno, a o svakome zelim nesto reci!

Jedan od njihovih najpopularnijih proizvoda sigurno je ovaj Botox effect serum. Ja, kao zena koja je vec zakoracila u 40-te, a koja nije zagovornik invazivnih kozmetickih tremana, bila sam vrlo znatizeljna isprobati ovaj serum tako "obecavajuceg" naziva, a na potpuno prirodnoj osnovi!

Botox effect serum sadrzi hijaluronsku kiselinu, bioloske peptide, korijen zen sena, beta glukan i ekstrakt maline.  Jedna vrlo mocna kombinacija za hidrataciju koze, kojoj vraca punocu i elasticnost, a lagane teksture koja se brzo upija i ne ostavlja masan ili ljepljiv trag na kozi.

Volim ga koristiti prije svoje dnevne kreme. Moja koza je suha i mogu reci da ga dobro podnosi, a prikladan je za sve tipove koze.

Jos jedan odlican Rossenov serum jest "Crown magical serum" koji sadrzi 7 razlicitih prirodnih ulja + vitamin E.  Zaista pruza kozi iznimnu njegu! Ja jako volim koristiti prirodna ulja za njegu koze lica i tijela, a ovaj serum sadrzi moja omiljena ulja tj. ulje smilja, arganovo ulje, ulje avokada, ulje jojobe, ekstrakt nevena, ulje badema i ulje sjemenki grozda.

Ja sva ova ulja vec svakodnevno koristim ponajvise pri nocnoj njezi koze lica, tako da mi je bas super imati ih stopljene u jedan fantastican proizvod!

Rossen "Queen" kremica jos je jedan od njihovih izuzetno hvaljenih proizvoda! To je jedna vrlo lagana i hidratantna krema koja sadrzi 97% prirodnih sastojaka. Nemasne formule i vrlo osvjezavajuca, sadrzi arganovo ulje i ulje smilja. Meni osobno prikladna za dnevnu njegu, dok sto se nocne rutine tice, posezem za nekim guscim i masnijim kremicama.

Ova kremica idealna je za svakodnevnu njegu, a osjecaj svjezine i blistav izgled mozete zahvaliti i ekstraktu maline i ruzinoj vodici koje sadrzi, kao kombinaciju uz prirodna ulja smilja i argana❤️

Marmeladica, jos jedan Rossenov famozan proizvod, lagani je gel za njegu okoloocnog podrucja. Sadrzi vitamin C i B3, hidratantni komplex, ekstrakt narance (zaista divno mirisi po narancama!), te liposome.

Vrlo je lagane teksture i osvjezavajuci. Idealan je za mladju kozu jer lijepo hidratizira, a odlican je i za tamne podocnjake. Ukoliko tek pocinjete koristiti preparate za okoloocnu njegu, ovo je odlican proizvod za vas i odrzavanje mladenackog, svjezeg izgleda!

Meni se svidja za dnevnu njegu, ali buduci da sam vec u 40-tima, ipak mi za nocnu njegu trebaju neki malo "jaci" proizvodi (a pod "jaci" mislim na masnije, punije teksture koji su ne samo hidratantni vec i izuzetno hranjivi).

Ova Rossenova "Oil Therapy" maskica jedan je od mojih osobnih favorita! Moram priznati da je toliko dobra da sam ju vec potrosila i namjeravam napraviti novu narudzbu jer toliko me je odusevila.

Kosa mi je nakon nje bila izuzetno mekana, svilenkasta, nahranjena...i vrlo se lako rascesljavala!

Maskica je obogacena uljem makadamije, uljem argana i shea maslacem i mogu zakljuciti da zaista obnavlja i dubinski njeguje kosu.

Sigurna sam da cu isprobati i druge maskice za kosu iz Rossenove ponude!

Bioelixir sampon isto me je odusevio! Vrlo je njezan, a ujedno i vrlo efikasno pere i cisti kosu. Sadrzi ekstrakt dumbira, arganovo i ricinusovo ulje. Potice cirkulaciju vlasista, djeluje preventivno i protiv perutanja jer ricinusovo ulje njeguje i umiruje vlasiste.

Rossen "Herbology" ruzmarinovo ulje za skalp pomaze jacanju i oporavku slabe i ostecene kose. Sadrzi i ekstrakt koprive, ricinusovo ulje, mentol i vitamin E. Zaista fantastican mix za dubinsku njegu i poticanje rasta kose.

Ukoliko ste pogledali moja zadnja dva youtube videa (klikni ovdje za prvi dio, i ovdje za drugi) znati cete da sam na putu oporavka kose, te redovito koristim pakunge za kosu od prirodnih ulja, ruzmarinovu vodicu i sl.

Ovaj proizvod je jos jedan proizvod koji me je odusevio i kojeg bih vam zaista rado preporucila ukoliko ste i vi u misiji oporavka kose.

Za maximalni efekt ja ga znam cak i ostaviti preko noci pa iduci dan oprati kosu, ali mozete ga i umasirati u vlasiste i ostaviti par sati da djeluje pa zatim operite kosu.

Zadnji proizvod kojeg bih spomenula jest ovaj gel za ciscenje lica na bazi avokadovog ulja, ekstrakta narance, aloe vere i hidratantnog kompleksa. Njega sam dobila na poklon uz narudzbu. Nisam ga jos imala prilike isprobati, ali vjerujem da ce biti odlican, jer preporucila mi ga je i jedna moja vjerna pratiteljica youtube kanala 😊

Sastav mu je zaista obecavajuci, tako da cim potrosim "cistilicu" koju trenutno koristim, s punim povjerenjem prelazim na ovaj proizvod.

Moram se jos samo kratko osvrnuti da ambalazu Rossenovih proizvoda, zaista puno paznje posvecuju detaljima i svi proizvodi upakirani su u estetski privlacnu, ali i kvalitetnu ambalazu. 

Odusevio me i omjer njihove cijene i kvalitete, jer s obzirom da se radi o bio kozmetici, cijene proizvoda zaista su pristupacne, a na njihovom web shopu cesto mozete naici i na akcije i poklone uz kupnju (kao u mojem slucaju), a kao sto ste mogli vidjeti, poklon uz kupnju nisu testeri, vec "full size" proizvodi koji su inace dostupni u regularnoj prodaji. 

Znaci, bravo Rossen!😊🥰

Prije nego sto zavrsim ovaj post, zelim sa vama podijeliti i proizvode koji se trenutno nalaze na mojoj "Wish" listi te cekaju da ih ubacim u virtualnu kosaricu 😊

Jeste li vec isprobali neke od ovih proizvoda?

Podijelite sa mnom vase dojmove!

Saljem puno lijepih pozdrava, do iduceg posta, budite mi sretni, lijepi i njegovani🥰🌟

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