Tuesday 26 September 2017

This Month's Empties

Hello beauties!

A lot of you asked me to bring back my "Empties, Products I've Used Up" videos, as you seem to find them interesting and helpful.
Unfortunately, lately I don't have much time to film, and I already have a long list of topics for my future videos that I'd like to film. Nevertheless, I decided to introduce this new series to my blog, and occasionally (maybe even monthly), bring you posts with updates on the products I've recently used up, giving you my opinions and quick reviews!
This month I have 5 beauty products that I've used up to share with you. I'll also be giving you a quick review on each!
These are all body care / hair care products as I find that I use up products in these 'categories' most frequently.

Here I Have:

  • SUNSILK Hair Conditioner
  • FELCE AZZURRA  Shower Gel
  • BALEA Body Deodorant
  • CIEN Body Lotion in Spray
  • SUN DANCE After Sun Gel with Aloe Vera

My most favorite products, that I recommend and would gladly purchase again were the Balea deodorant and Cien Spray-On Body Lotion.
Both of these products are inexpensive, but really great quality.
I like the Balea deodorant because it doesn't contain aluminum (and these days it's hard to find deodorants that last whole day and are aluminum free).
Cien body lotion was available at Lidl supermarkets and it was a limited (summer) edition. It was very quick & easy to apply, it was a light and fresh mist and I loved the scent. Cien is a brand of beauty products exclusive for Lidl supermarkets and I have to say they're really stepping up their game! They're super affordable and it's just hard to believe one can come across such great products at a local supermarket!
This was a great product for those hot summer days, but also for all the busy Mums who don't have a lot of time to dedicate to their everyday beauty routine!

My least favorite products were these two: Sun Dance After Sun Gel with Aloe Vera
 (it was way too sticky for my liking) and SunSilk Proheat Hair Conditioner 
(this product was okay, but nothing special and that's why I won't be buying it again; there are so many better products for my hair out there on the market!) 
To be honest with you, I was never into SunSilk as far as my hair care routine goes, but I was "talked into" buying it, because with the purchase of two SunSilk hair care products, there was a detangling brush as a complimentary gift. The brush is actually quite good (very similar to Tangle Teezer, or Macadamia No Tangle brush. Both of which I have. But, apparently, I needed another similar brush...lol whatever)

Last is this Felce Azzurra, Delicate Shower Gel. My Mum bought it for me, from the local Drogerie Markt drugstore.

I liked the fact that it's super delicate, and contains no colors, no parabens nor silicones.

Felce Azzurra is an Italian brand and every so often I find myself purchasing their body talc or shower gels.

They're actually quite nice, good price and pretty essential beauty products.

Those were my 5 empties for this month!
Let me know, have you already tried out any of these products?

* read more at Glam Express

Monday 25 September 2017

Last days of summer at the island of Rab

Hi guys! 
In my last post, I told you that I spent a few days at the beginning of this month at the island of Rab in Croatia.
We had a few sunny days, so we made the most out of it and spent them at the beach.
I wore this cherry print, vintage style swimsuit, and a cover up that I ordered at banggood
This swimsuit cover up is just my cup of tea, I love the stripes and also these blue tassles that make it a bit more special and fun! A perfect must have for the beach :-)

This was the first summer that I spent as a parent, that's why we went to our family vacation so late! We waited until September to avoid summer heat and too crowded beaches, and also we waited for our baby to grow a little bit more so it would be easier for us to bring him along everywhere we go.
I can honestly say that this summer was a very special one!

I hope you like these photos from the last summer days...

Friday 22 September 2017

Zara Online Shopping Review & Unboxing: High Street Summer Into Fall Try On Haul

Hello beauties!
I recently made a little purchase online at Zara.
As I haven't done a fashion haul in a while, I wanted to share it with you, even more so because it was my first time ordering online at Zara so I wanted to tell you all about my experience as a customer.
There are only a few online stores that I like to shop at and now Zara has made it to that list!

If you'd like to know more about this whole experience and see all the bits that I've picked, you can check out my try on haul & unboxing video.

In this video I'm giving you a full review of my online shopping experience at Zara.
You'll also see the unboxing of my Zara clothing haul.
It's a high street, budget friendly haul, as all the items I picked up are from sales!
But also, they're great for transitioning your wardrobe from summer into fall. I hope you enjoy watching it and maybe get inspired!
Everything arrived carefully wrapped, so the unboxing part was very pleasurable.
I'll keep the box to store some of my shoes that I don't have a storage for.
A little sneak peek of what's inside... 

Wearing my new crop top with this old (Zara) jumpsuit updated my look.

More photos of the outfits I wore on my recent family vacation are coming soon !

Let me know, which was your fave item from this haul?

Read my beauty & fashion articles at Glam Express

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Cherry swimsuit, 50ies swimsuits vintage vibes at the island of Rab, Croatia

Hi guys! I'm back from my short vacation! I spent the last days of summer 2017. with my little family at the island of Rab in Croatia.
I recharged my batteries and now I'm ready to take on some new blogger adventures and projects! I'm actually looking forward to the beginning of the fall season :-)
Thanks to my home country Croatia, the beautiful island of Rab and friends for all the lovely moments we experienced there recently! 
What have you guys been up to in these two weeks that I've been on a sort of internet detox?

At the beach, I wore this vintage inspired, 50ies model of swimsuit that I got at banggood web store. This summer I got a lot of new bikinis and bathing suits, but I only spent a few days at the beach, so I was very careful at packing only my most favourite beachwear to bring along on my mini vacation.
This cherry swimsuit is definitely something else, I never had anything like that in my swimsuit collection before, and I have to say that I love it!

P.S. I'm done "apologizing" for my super pale skin. I've learned to embrace it and love it. End of story.

Pozdrav ljudi! Evo me natrag nakon malog predaha! Provela sam neko vrijeme u Hrvatskoj sa mojom malom obitelji, a uspjeli smo skoknuti i par dana do naseg dragog otoka Raba.
Napunjenih baterija, spremna sam za nove blogerske avanture i projekte! U biti, ja koja obozavam ljeto, radujem se dolasku jeseni! :-)
Hvala mojoj Hrvatskoj, divnom otoku Rabu i dragim prijateljima na ugodno provedenim trenucima proteklih tjedana!
Sto ste vi radili dok sam ja bila na ovom malom "internet detoxu"?

Na plazi, nosila sam ovaj zgodni kupaci kostim na tresnjice. Svidja mi se taj vintage model, inspiriran 1950.-ima. Narucila sam ga sa banggood web ducana (da li ste vi od tamo sto narucivali?)
Ove godine provela sam samo par dana na plazi, tako da sam pazljivo birala omiljene modele kupacih kostima koji su putovali sa mnom, a jedan od njih zasigurno je bio i ovaj! Do sada nisam u svojoj kolekciji kupacih kostima imala ovakav model i mogu reci da me je bas odusevio!

P.S. Vise se ne ispricavam zbog super blijedog tena. Naucila sam se prihvatiti takvu kakva jesam i voljeti. Kraj price.

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