Sunday, 17 November 2024


 Dragi ljudi!

U danasnjem postu radim recenziju L´Adria seruma, "Instant Revitalizing Serum", koji me osvojio svojom kvalitetom pa sam vam ga htjela ovdje preporuciti πŸ₯°

L´Adria proizvode otkrila sam tek nedavno i moram vam priznati, isprve sam bila malo skepticna prema njima, zbog toga sto sam vidjala dosta njihovih reklama na drustvenim mrezama, a kada su placene reklame u pitanju, ne vjerujem bas "influencerima" πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Odlucila sam se na kupovinu jer su me zaintrigirale njihove maskice za okoloocno podrucje (isprobala, fantasticne, slijedi recenzija u jednom od iducih postovaπŸ₯°), pa buduci da su mi se toliko svidjele, odlucila sam isprobati jos poneki proizvod iz njihove ponude.

Instant Revitalizing Serum oni opisuju kao "morski eliksir mladosti", proizvod koji trenutno izgladuje bore, ekstremno hidratizira, a prirodan je i bez mirisa.

"Bas sve sto sam u jednom takvom serumu i trazila", odusevljeno sam pomislila.

I zaista, l´Adria serum za trenutnu revitalizaciju, daje kao rezultat hidratiziranu i mladoliku kozu.

Sadrzi koncentriranu tajnu snagu algi Jadrana, jednog od najciscih mora svijeta, kojom se alge stite od dehidrirajuceg slanog okolisa.

Morske alge i morski kolagen sastojci su ovog seruma koji ima zaista nevjerojatno intenzivan efekt hidratacije i prodire duboko u kozu te trenutno smanjuje vidljivost bora.

Proizvod se nanosi ujutro, ili uvecer na cistu kozu lica, a odmah nakon seruma nanijeti hidratantnu kremu.

O njemu sam napravila i video recenziju:

A evo i mali l´Adria skincare haul:

Ovo su neki od proizvoda koje sam si nedavno kupila i moram ih pohvaliti jer su mi zaista TOP!

L´Adria Instant Revitalizing Serum is a product I just recently discovered and I like it so much that I wanted to share this quick recommendation with you.

I bought this product with my own money, I´m in no way sponsored by them, and this is my honest opinion. If you get a chance, try out something from this brand because their products are truly fantastic and one of a kind.

"Marine Elixir of Youth" is how they call this serumπŸ₯°

It instantly smoothes wrinkles, provides extreme hydration, and it´s pure, natural and perfume free.

This serum contains sea algae and marine collagen. You can apply it generously to cleansed face in the morning or evening, avoiding the contact with the eyes.

Immediately afterwards, apply your moisturizing cream.

L´Adria instant revitalizing serum captures the secret power of algae from the Adriatic, they have incredibly intense hydrating effect and instantly reduce visibility of wrinkles.

Overall, it is a great face serum and I´ll be very happy to buy it again, and also to test out some other products from this croatian brand.

I got a few other skin care products from l´Adria and I honestly love them so much!

Check out my haul video to find out more about these products ❤️


  1. They seem like good products.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment 😊

  2. I hadn't heard of L'Adria before, but this brand sounds really interesting! The Instant Revitalizing Serum seems like an excellent item! I hope you have a great week <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you so much shannon for stopping by! This is croatian brand, and one of my favourites! Their products are inspired by the Adriatic Sea and have a lot of good ingredients for the skin, such as algea extracts etc.


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