Thursday, 31 July 2014 OOTD: Fun Cat Print Tee

Hello everyone!

In today's outfit post I'm sharing with you a collab that happened between me & the web store.
I agreed to this collab with them several months ago, but, as the items I had picked out, sold out so fast, I had to pick new ones, and because of that, things I ordered actually arrived in two different shipments, and I had to wait a good while for everything to arrive!

In THIS blog post I presented you the first item that I picked up from, and now, finally, this cute cat print tee arrived, so I was able to complete our collaboration.

The clothes/shoes/accessories they're selling are very affordable, but bear in mind that the shipping cost is quite high (depending of course, on the country you live in), plus, the items they carry, go out of stock in a matter of hours.
Even after you've made a payment, that's not a guarantee that the items you paid for won't get out of stock! 
They'll offer you to choose something else for that amount instead!
That's why, ordering from their web store, can be quite risky!

If you already had experiences of shopping at their web store, I'd love to hear all about how that went and were you a satisfied customer!
I think that, by leaving your comment, you'll also be helping out a lot, other people who read this review, because they'll be hearing experiences from the actual paying customers!
(I'm not sponsored to do this post, but they did send me these items for free, to review & feature in my outfit posts!)

I wanted to order a pair of shoes (I found these lovely, Valentino inspired models), but their sizing is a little bit off (the biggest size they carry, for the majority of models, is a 39 eur.)
That was actually quite disappointing, given the fact that I'm eur 40 (and that's not even considered to be that big!)

I do want to thank them for supporting my blog by initiating this collaboration with me, but I'm sure there are a few points they can work on in the future to make a better service for their customers!
The most important one is to actually guarantee that they can provide the items the customers had paid for!
If on the site it says "in stock" when you're ordering it and paying for it, it shouldn't switch to "out of stock" right after you've completed your order!

That's my review of the service I got from them...I still hope you'll enjoy this video & pics of the outfit I styled around this fun, cat print tee :)

Click on the "play" to watch my styling video:

SHOES: Stradivarius
BAG: INA market, Italy

Pozdrav svima!

U danasnjem postu predstavljam vam suradnju sa azijskim web ducanom
Do suradnje je doslo prije nekoliko mjeseci, kada su me oni kontaktirali i ponudili da iz njihovog ducana odaberem par stvarcica koje bih zeljela recenzirati i nositi u outfit postovima!

Mi bloggeri uvijek smo zahvalni za takav vid suradnje, zbog toga sto na taj nacin mozemo nesto novo ponuditi nasim citateljima, i sastaviti neki novi outfit :)

Ipak, moram vam skrenuti paznju na par "sitnica" koje sam uocila pri narucivanju sa njihove web stranice, a koje mi se nisu svidjele...

Prije svega, stvarcice koje sam narucila (i platila kreditom koji su mi iz ponudili), dok su jos na web site-u bile "in stock", nakon kompletiranja moje narudzbe, u roku od par sati, postale su "out of stock", i obavijestili su me da mi ih ne mogu isporuciti.
Ponudili su mi da odaberem nesto drugo, a u medjuvremenu su mi poslali paket  sa jednom jedinom stvarcicom koja nije bila out of stock, i naravno, na taj nacin sam platila shipping dva puta!
Iako sam im napomenula da pricekaju sa shippingom dok ne izaberem nesto drugo i pridodam narudzbi!(uspjela sam naruciti nove stvarcice tek iz 3. ili 4. pokusaja, jer su mi konstantno stizale poruke da je "item out of stock", nakon sto sam ga vec narucila, buduci da je na njihovoj web stranici bio oznacen kao "in stock"...)
Znaci, vec sam taj proces narucivanja, cinio mi se kao prilican gubitak vremena i doslovno sam htjela izluditi (iako nisam cak ni trosila svoj novac!)
Nakon sto sam od balansa/kredita kojeg su mi dali, platila dva (preskupa), shippinga, kredit koji mi je ostao bio je dovoljan za dvije stvarcice...jednu sam vam vec pokazala u ovom postu OVDJE, a drugu vam pokazujem danas (radi se o ovoj slatkoj majici- macom sa naocalama printom!)

Sve u svemu, iskreno govoreci, proces narucivanja pri web ducanu, bio je prilicno katastrofalan, a buduci da se radilo o meni kao bloggeru koja ih je trebala prezentirati/recenzirati, zabrinula sam se misleci kakvo je onda tek iskustvo klijenata koji placaju iz svog vlastitog dzepa??
Ukoliko ste vi imali slicno iskustvo, ili ukoliko ste vec narucivali iz tog ducana, podijelite ga ovdje u komentarima sa mnom i drugim citateljima, mislim da nam razmjena takvih iskustava moze biti korisna!

Sto se cijena tice, vrlo su pristupacne, ali opet, sve vam to "zapapre" postarinom, koja ponekad iznosi koliko i vrijednost svega sto ste narucili!
I jos jedna mala zamjerka sto se cipela tice, naime vecina modela, zavrsava sa brojem 39 eur.!
Ja sam si htjela naruciti jedan zgodan "knock-off" Valentino cipelica, ali nije bilo velicine 40! (koja, usput, nije niti toliko veeelika, tj. prilicno je standardna velicina...mozda ne za azijske zemlje, ali buduci da su oni orijentirani prema klijentima po cijelom svijetu...mislim da bi mogli poraditi i na tome!) 

Da rezumiramo: Zahvalna sam im na poklonjenim stvarcicama i uzivam u njima, ali mislim da ce morati jos poraditi na nekim stvarima kako bi klijentu pruzili maksimalno pozitivno iskustvo shoppinga na njihovom web ducanu i prije nego sto bih ih ja mogla srdacno preporuciti!

Nadam se da vam je ova recenzija bila korisna!

Pusa iz Italije ♥


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