Tuesday 14 October 2014

How to Wear a Skater Skirt? (Outfit Idea # 01) "Vintage Traveller"

Hi guys!

This look is created in collaboration with SonMia Design italian free spirit brand of graphic T-shirts.
At the beginning of this Fall season, we started a collaboration, and they kindly sent me some of their cool tees to review & promote!
I love my graphic tees, because they're very versatile and can be dressed up and dressed down :)
In these pics, I'm wearing my "I Can Fly" graphic tee, paired with a skater skirt, beautiful floral crown and this cool mini bag...I love how the outfit turned out!
And, thanks to my Dad's old suitcases, I do look like some vintage traveller :)

For this shoot, I decided not to use a self tanner, but to embrace my natural skin colour (#workwithwhatyougot) and to try and promote pale skin as something that can be beautiful & attractive! 
I'm done feeling self conscious when it comes to my skin colour!
(Self tanning is fun, and I will write a review about one of my fave self tanners soon- because you guys asked me to, but as long as you know that you're naturally beautiful- no matter your shape, size or a skin colour- just the way you are!)

We were filming in Croatia, and the photography credits go to: Stile Italia

T-SHIRT: "I Can Fly" model by SonMia Design Italian Free Spirit
SHOES: Bershka
BAG: Deichmann
NECKLACE: Accessorize

If you're interested in purchasing your own graphic tee by SonMia Design, take a look at their selection here, and send me an e-mail at: trenchcollection@libero.it

Video announcement of my collaboration with SonMia Design:

Styling video ("How to Wear a Skater Skirt// 2 Outfit Ideas"):

(click on the "play" button bellow!)

Lijep pozdrav svima!

Ovaj styling koji vam danas predstavljam nastao je u suradnji sa SonMia Design Italian Free Spirit modnim brandom, sa kojima sam pocetkom ove jeseni zapocela suradnju!
Oni su mi ljubazno poslali par njihovih modela T-shirta za recenziju i outfit postove.

O toj suradnji vec sam pricala, a ukoliko niste jos sa time upoznati, mozete video najavu iste pogledati ovdje:

U ovom prvom outfit postu u suradnji sa SonMia Design brandom, pokazala sam vam jedan od nacina kako nositi popularnu "skater" suknjicu!

T-shirt majica sa zanimljivim printom dobro se uklapa u svaku odjevnu kombinaciju, pa ju mozete nositi na vrlo sportski nacin, a isto tako i uz posebnije odjevne kombinacije!
Zbog toga je bijeli T-shirt sa cool printom jedan od mojih must-have odjevnih predmeta tijekom cijele godine :)

Zahvaljujuci vec pomalo "starinskim" koferima moga tate, i ovoj prekrasnoj cvjetnoj kruni iz H&M-a, ovaj photo shooting poprimio je neku "vintage" notu, a ako uzmemo u obzir i moju bijelu put, osjecala sam se kao neka putnica iz proslosti, sa pocetka proslog stoljeca! hihi
Namjerno sam odlucila ne koristiti se sredstvom za samotamnjenje (iako bi jedna recenzija o mojem omiljenom proizvodu za samotamnjenje uskoro mogla "pasti"- jer ste me vi to zatrazili!), zeljela sam barem pokusati prihvatiti svoju blijedu put i osjecati se dobro u "vlastitoj kozi"! 
Mislim da je ta odluka bila pun pogodak i da se moja izrazito bijela boja koze dobro uklopila u samu temu ovog shootinga :)

Sto vi o tome mislite?

Samotamnjenje jest zabavno i mozda nam se uz preplanulu boju puti cini da imamo vise samopouzdanja i da smo privlacniji, ali prije svega trebamo nauciti voljeti sebe onakvima kakvi prirodno jesmo, jer takvi smo najljepsi, zar ne? ;)

Ukoliko ste zainteresirani vidjeti styling video u kojem vam prikazujem dva nacina na koji volim nositi "skater" suknjice, kliknite ovdje!

Ako su vam se svidjele SonMia Design majice iz moje video najave i ovog posta, te zelite naruciti nesto iz njihove kolekcije, trenutnu ponudu mozete pogledati ovdje, a vas izbor javite mi na slijedeci e-mail: trenchcollection@libero.it

Kao fotografa moram pohvaliti svestranog Stile Italia 

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj outfit post!
Ocekujem vase komentare :)

Pusa iz Italije!

follow my daily updates on FACEBOOK! (pratite me i na FB!)


  1. This is a lovely outfit! I think u made an amazing choice choosing that skirt and I especially love the colour and how it matches with the T-shirt! :) loved the idea of taking that suitcase as part of the outfit! Good job :)

    1. Hello Martina!
      Thank you very much for your comment, I'm glad to hear you liked the whole styling :)

  2. I am loving those shoes! I think we will be seeing more more natural skin color this fall.
    Dresses & Denim

  3. Beautiful photos and outfit dear! Love your style!

    1. Thank you Adelina, I appreciate it!
      xo from Italy


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