Hello lovelies!
This week flew by so quickly! Tomorrow is already Friday (most of you will be happy, because the weekend is about to start, but I'm not, as this means I have to go to work...and I'm saying this as a bad thing, because lately I'm not that crazy about my work, as it's getting pretty stressful!)...
"Inspired" by the fact that today is already Thursday, I was thinking how this whole week flew by, then I was thinking how the whole past year flew by...then I got to thinking how the whole past decade flew by! ha!
That gave me a reason to have a #throwbackthursday post on my blog! :-)
This is my very first #TBT post (I posted #TBT photos before, on my instagram, and facebook, but I never dedicated a full blog post to this topic!)
Even though, I'm the person who doesn't like to think too much about the past, and I'm constantly reminding myself to look straight ahead, to keep moving forward, and fighting for a better tomorrow, sometimes, in life, it's good to have a little "throwback thursday"... :-)
So let's see what was I up to, almost exactly 10 years ago!!!
I was asked by one model agency from London to participate in a test shooting at Ingatestone Castle, in Ingatestone UK.
I was trying to build up a portfolio to start working as a commercial model and event hostess. My plan was to gather up some money because my dream was to attend one beauty school in London! As, at the time, I was struggling with my finances, that would have been a good source of income!
This was actually my first professional photo- shoot! I styled the outfits myself, and I had my hair and make up done by a professional.
I honestly enjoyed every second of it, but I can see now how my poses were a bit "stiff". With time I learned to bring so much more into a photo, and to experiment with poses and angles, to find out what really works best for me!
Honestly, I can't believe it's been 10 years!!!
You can probably tell this also by looking at my outfits!... a "monochrome" (pink!) theme I had going on was hillarious! Was that the trend back then (I can't remember!), or was I just way off when it came to fashion??
I remember I loved my pink "ensemble"...you can't see it in these photos (thank God!), but I actually even had the pink boots and the matching little pink purse, to go with my (already entirely) pink outfit!
Pay closer attention to the earrings: They're also pink! (I actually handmade them, as making jewellery was my big passion back when I was living in London.)
I can't understand why didn't I have a pink belt too! What was the deal with that??
But, do you guys remember this belt (from many fashion videos on my youtube channel!)?
It's still my go-to belt!
It's actually fun to look back at my "fashion crimes"! I like to think that my style is constantly developing and that I am making a progress :-)
This second outfit is actually a bit more "up-to-date"!
I still have this suede Krisp jacket and now I can say it was a really good buy!
My necklace is vintage (my grannies) and I still love to wear it!
Sequin/ beaded jeans? Not so much, but...shhhh...I heard they will be getting back on trend!...eventually! ;-)
A little black dress is something...I didn't have in my closet!!!
Back then, I didn't care for simple things, I loved everything that's sparkly and exaggerated!
This dress I actually borrowed from one model that was also doing a test shooting that day (along with the golden heart shaped necklace!).
I hope you enjoyed this fashion throwback with me!
This is me, 10 years later...
Ingatestone Castle's estate, where the photoshoot took place!
I can still feel the excitment of that day :-)
Sretan cetvrtak lijepi moji!
Buduci da je ovaj tjedan proletio, a vec sutra moram zapoceti radni vikend (dok se vecina vas raduje vikendu, ja od njega strepim, jer u zadnje vrijeme na poslu je prilicno stresno!)...odlucila sam napraviti jedan #throwbackthursday post, prvi takav post na mom blogu!
Vec sam znala objavljivati #TBT fotke na svom instagramu i facebooku, ali nisam jos nikada toj temi posvetila cijeli blog post!
Ideja se rodila iz mojeg razmisljanja o prolaznosti vremena...pocela sam razmisljati kako je brzo proletio ovaj tjedan...pa cekajte malo, i cijela prosla godina! ...a nakon toga sam se samo nadovezala kako je brzo proslo i cijelo desetljece!
Buduci da to nisu najkonstruktivnije misli, jer ja zaista nastojim ne razmisljati previse o proslosti, vec uvijek gledati naprijed i sigurnim korakom krociti u buducnost, uvijek se boreci za bolje sutra, odlucila sam sa vama podijeliti sto sam radila prije gotovo tocno deset godina, kako bi se zajedno malo nasmijali i nakon toga ponosno krenuli dalje :-)
Ja sam naime, prije skoro tocno deset godina, na poziv jedne londonske modne agencije, radila "test shooting" u dvorcu Ingatestone, u mjestu Ingatestone, UK.
Bilo je to moj prvi profesionalni set i bila sam jako uzbudjena!
Frizuru i make up radili su mi profesionalno, a outfite sam slozila sama!
Moj plan bio je sakupiti fotografije za portfolio i raditi kao komercijalni model (katalozi, reklame itd.) i hostesa na eventima. Taj posao trebao mi je omoguciti izvor prihoda kojim bih si mogla platiti jednu od poznatih londonskih skola za vizaziste i esteticare! Bio je to moj san, ali financijska situacija nije mi dopustala upis u tako prestiznu skolu.
U zivotu je bitno boriti se za bolje sutra, imati san i raditi na njegovom ostvarenju, ne posustajati! Moze se desiti i da vam se san nece ostvariti, jer ne zivimo u bajci, ali znati cete da ste borac i da ste svome cilju bili predani do kraja!
Gledam ove fotografije i danas, nakon deset godina, uvidjam da sam u pozama bila preukocena i sramezljiva pred foto aparatom. S godinama sam se naucila opustiti, eksperimentirati sa razlicitim pozama i uglovima (govorim o fotografiranju!!!), zabaviti se ispred foto aparata, kako bih vise toga unijela u fotografiju i dala najbolje od sebe!
Uvijek ima mjesta za napredovanje i poboljsanje!
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ja, 10 godina kasnije! |
O mom modnom stilu necemo ni govoriti...bila sam tada u nekoj "monochrome" fazi ("monochrome" roza, da budemo jasni!)...ne mogu se sjetiti samo, da li je to tada bio trend, ili sam samo ja brijala taj neki film u glavi??
Na ovim prvim "roza" fotografijama, nedostaju moje roza cizmice i torbica koja ide sa njima u kompletu! Ne znam zasto sam ih taj dan odlucila ostaviti doma i zamijeniti svojim bijelim antilop cizmama...Da, da, tako sam ja hodala po svijetu!
Pogledajte bolje moje nausnice: I one su bile roza boje! (Sama sam ih napravila, jer dok sam zivjela u Londonu, velika strast bila mi je izrada nakita!)
U cijeloj toj "roza" prici jedino mi nije jasan moj remen: Kako se on u nju uklapa i zasto nisam imala roza remen??
U svakom slucaju, mozda cete prepoznati ovaj remen iz mojih mnogobrojnih modnih videa!
To mi je i dan danas jedan od najdrazih remena i najcesce ga nosim!
Drugi outfit je prilicno "up-to-date", suvremen dakle, moglo bi se reci! ha!
Krisp antilop jaknica i dalje je u mom ormaru i volim je nositi, pokazala se dobrom kupovinom!
Sljokicaste traperice? Ne bas! Ali, imam ih jos i ....pssst!...cula sam da ce se vratiti u modu!...kad-tad! :-D
Sto reci o trecem outfitu?
Mala crna haljina, klasican komad odjece kojega ja...nisam imala u ormaru! Haljina je naime posudjena od jedne djevojke koja je isti dan sa mnom radila test- shooting!
Mene tada bezvremenske, klasicne, jednostavne stvari uopce nisu interesirale! Sve je moralo biti upadljivo, pretjerano i u posljednjem trendu!
Iako i danas volim pratiti trendove, mislim da sam se ipak malo pomakla sa te tocke i da se moj stil razvija u pravom smjeru :-)
Nadam se da vam je ovaj post bio zabavan! Da li biste voljeli vidjeti slicne postove na mom blogu i u buducnosti?
Ostavite mi u komentarima vas odgovor!
Ingatestone dvorac i sama lokacija su predivni! Jos uvijek mogu osjetiti uzbudenje tog dana!
P.S. Za citatelje/ice koji prate moj hrvatski youtube kanal, imam novi video!
Pogledajte sto sam si kupila na Zarinim zimskim snizenjima!
Amazing look! I love the top and the jacket!
Me encanta!!!, un look perfecto.
ReplyDeleteBss y feliz tarde.
Me encanta!!!, un look perfecto.
ReplyDeleteBss y feliz tarde.
Jako zanimljiv post :)
ReplyDeleteVidi se tvoj napredak u odevanju i slikanju :)
Sviđa mi se kombinacija koju si nosila na prvoj slici :)
Pogledajte moje kreacije na blogu soniacreazzione.blogspot.co.uk
Novi post sa novom kolekcijom http://soniacreazzione.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/spider-network-collection.html
Lovely pictures
:) You are wonderful! time stop on you :D
ReplyDeleteToday new post,Animal print loafers
Kisses from Spain, Kela
Divan post ii odlični noviteti iz Zare :) ♥♥
Hi:) Thx for visit
ReplyDeleteI followed You #503
You look great dear!
ReplyDeletePlease click on the SheInside link of my post
You look absolutely amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteStunning looks!
beautiful looks dear!!!
These pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I love it.
Was your beginning, nice job, I love your actual hair color.
ReplyDeleteThe castle is amazing and I would love the have a shooting there!
Thanks for visiting me, yeah I would love to follow each other.
Oh so sorry, hope you weekend move quickly!! Darling you look beautiful and all them looks :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment on my page.. So lovely ❤️ Big hugs
What a cute little throwback! Lovely blog! Thank you for your comment on my blog! I followed you on GFC, I'd love for you to follow me back!
x Kellie
Beautiful throwback, Sonia. Sorry to hear your job is stressing you out, hope it will get better pretty soon, honey.
What a great throwback, dear :) And this castle looks like amazing place to photoshoots!
Hi:) Thx for visit
ReplyDeleteI followed You #489
I'd love for you to follow me back!
Vkusno s Bety
Lovely and classic!
nice photoshooting!!
ReplyDeleteI love your denim vest :)
I have new post!!!!
Fashion is fascinating, it changes a little bit every year and all of a sudden you look back a couple of years and start thinking "what was I even doing..?" I feel so sorry for our kids that are gonna have their whole 'awkward' period documented and imprinted on the internet!
wonderful looks, dear! :)
Those pictures were amazing!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI follow you,can you follow back?
U zivotu je bitno boriti se za bolje sutra, imati san i raditi na njegovom ostvarenju, ne posustajati! Moze se desiti i da vam se san nece ostvariti, jer ne zivimo u bajci, ali znati cete da ste borac i da ste svome cilju bili predani do kraja!
ReplyDeleteKako divno receno :) <3
Hvala ti, drago mi je da te je dirnula ova moja misao :-)
Deletewow what a lovely entry you are such a natural Beauty
ReplyDeletefollow for follow?
hope you too visit my Blog <3
you look so pretty <33
Wow! beautiful!! You have passed a beautiful 10 years..beautiful!
Nice look ;)
ReplyDeletebeautiful photos! <3, I am following your blog via GFC. It would be great if you did the same :) kisses:**
ReplyDeleteLa giacca cipria è meravigliosa!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Princess Vanilla
Nice photos! Love the skirt from the 1st outfit!
Beautiful pictures ! I like very much the first one : this light pink outofit in this english interior looks great ! kisses http://valeriesdays.blogspot.fr/
ReplyDeleteLove this post :)
Passo per un saluto veloce, è sempre un piacere leggerti.
ReplyDeleteBuon San Valentino
Alice Cerea,
Great post dear. I love the photos.
ReplyDeleteHave a beautiful day.
Odlične slike, kao i post draga! :)
looks so perfect!! love it
Sorry your job is getting stressful lately! That is too bad. I hope work goes well for you, at the very least. I love these photos. That is so awesome that you did photoshoots for modeling! You look so gorgeous!
beautiful photos ! have a good weekend!
Love these pictures, You look amazing in the black dress. xx
Gorgeous!! Love your skirt :)
It's sometimes funny how the time flies! I love these photos.
Seems this shooting took place in a gorgeous place! That's a cute throwback, and I'd say the occasion justified the all pink outfit :))
You look gorgeous
ReplyDeleteNew post:
Gorgeous photos ♡
ReplyDeletenice post swthrt
thank you
Very beautiful photos!
ReplyDeleteFollow you
I'd be glad if you follow me too♥
Great photos! <3
beautiful pics girl :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's day
Tačno sam znala da si se bavila modelingom.primećuje se odmah.Znam da ti stalno ponavljam kao papagaj da imaš rock chic, sad su mi se kockice posložile.Toliko mi ličiš,podsećaš me baš na Susan Holmes Duff Mckagan, sad mi je sve jasno.Ništa se nisi promenila, prekrasna si <3
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThankyou for following me. Me following you back!
Thanks for sharing, fun to look at the different photos from back then. For example, even though I don't like pink on my self I still think you pulled of the photo shot really good! You looked smashing so the clothing didn't matter. :P
ReplyDeleteReal model :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post btw ! X
Follow me on GFC, I always follow back.
You look stunning ♥
Love your shooting
Nice pics.
ReplyDeleteLovely Post:)
really a great smile!
ReplyDeleteStunning looks!
ReplyDeletexo, Jane
Super ideja za blog post, ovako te mozemo malo bolje da te upoznamo, po meni se nisi mnogo promenila ;) pozzz
ReplyDeleteI find all your looks stylish, you looked fantastic 10 years ago as well as you`re now!
ReplyDeleteand I know what you mean, even during my 5 years blogging I look through earlier posts and think about myself: how Could I wear this! But it`s time and it`s fashion, everything changes:)
great post!
ReplyDeletefollow dor follow?
Beautiful pics and beautiful looks darling!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
Świetne zdjęcia, stylowo. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. :) Sure, we can follow each other. :) Just let me know, where (GFC, Bloglovin, Twitter) you are following, and I follow you back. :)
ReplyDeleteP&P style ❤ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ❤
We really appreciate for your fashion. <a href="http://www.missdivashoes.oc.uk/''>missdivashoes</a>
ReplyDeleteWe really appreciate for your fashion. www.missdivashoes.oc.uk
ReplyDeletebeautiful and romantic pics