Sunday, 6 September 2015

Choies earrings & my favourite vacation spot!

ENG: Hello from one of my favourite spots when vacationing at my home in Croatia! I'm talking about Uvala Scott in Kraljevica, a lovely little bay situated right next to the island of Krk, overlooking the bridge that connects the island to the mainland.  The sea there is always crystal clear, the view is fantastic and I love watching the most spectacular sunsets from there!
This is the outfit I wore for my trip to Kraljevica: I put my new Choies earrings to accessorize the outfit. I love to accessorize, I think it adds more fun and personality to the outfit!
Chandelier earrings are always very popular way of accessorizing your simple outfit and I especially love to wear them in summertime, or when I'm wearing my hair in an up-do! I like how they frame my face and I find them particularly flattering. These earrings are now 79% off so you can get them for only $ 2.99, which is a steal!

HR: Lijep pozdrav iz jedne od mojih omiljenih destinacija kada sam na odmoru doma u Hrvatskoj! Rijec je o Uvali Scott u Kraljevici, divnom malom zaljevu smjestenom pored otoka Krka, sa direktnim pogledom na Krcki most, koji povezuje otok sa kopnom.
More je tamo uvijek cisto, panorama je predivna, a uvijek obozavam gledati zalaske sunca s tog mjesta jer dok sunce zalazi nad Uckom, baca predivne boje na cijeli rijecki zaljev.
Ovo je outfit kojega sam nosila prilikom mojeg puta u Kraljevicu: Nove nausnice su sa Choies web stranice i jako mi se svidaju. Volim se igrati asesoarom jer na taj nacin i jednostavan outfit moze postati zabavniji i imate mogucnost personalizirati ga! Ovaj model nausnica uvijek je popularan, a ja ih volim nositi ljeti, ili kada imam kosu skupljenu u pundzu, ili podignutu s lica. One bas lijepo uokviruju moje lice. Ove nausnice sada su snizene na 79%, tako da ih sada mozete dobiti za samo $ 2.99, sto je bas dobra cijena!

T-SHIRT: Bershka
SKIRT: Bershka
BAG: Nico fashion store, Italy
WATCH: Jord mod. "Sully" in Natural Green


  1. Super outfit i prelijepa lokacija :)

  2. awesome skirt and bag :-) nice holiday pictures :-)

  3. I'm coming to Croatia tomorrow!
    I just wrote a post about the trip we're going to make, such a coincidence!
    Love the way you look.

    Celien | The Losing Struggle

    1. Really? Where will you be staying in Croatia! I'm going to check out your post now! I hope you have a wonderful stay!

  4. You look fantastic! What a great end of summer outfit. Those sunglasses are just gorgeous.

  5. It looks like you had such an incredible time visiting! Glad you were stylish every step of the way :D

  6. lovely outfit and sunny smile ^^

  7. Odlican outfit, jako mi se svidjaju mindjuse, a i naocare su fenomenalne :)

  8. Hi , love that skirt and earrings , you looking fab ... Nice post dear !!!
    My skin18 Huge Haul


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