Many of you already know, I'm Croatian, and Rijeka is my hometown. It's a town where I was born and raised, and lived pretty much until I was 26. When I was 22 I first moved away from Rijeka, first to Milan, Italy, to study, then London, UK.
But, after a few years I came back to Rijeka, lived and worked there until I got married, when I was 26.
It's already been 7 years that I live in Italy! I still like to visit Rijeka as often as I can, my family, my friends, and my croatian home...
These photos were taken when I was visiting Rijeka a few months ago...
I'm taking you on a little "tour of Rijeka" through these photos...first you'll see photos from the narrow streets of Rijeka in the parts of town close to the center, and then our walk continues all the way to the centre of Rijeka, to the town's port, called "Riva".
I always liked living close to the sea, opening my bedroom windows to see the Adriatic Sea and the islands...this is what I miss the most now that I live in Italy!
My outfit consists of my comfy, black Dr.Martens (the traffic in Rijeka is pretty crazy, so I suggest walking whenever you can!) and my wool, plaid pants by Benetton, that I actually bought more than 10 years ago in the centre of Rijeka! I stopped wearing them for a while, but then rediscovered them in my wardrobe a year or two ago, and since then have been wearing them again non stop! :-)
Because they're made out of wool, they're super warm, ideal for colder days, but they can be a bit itchy against the skin, so I always wear them with a pair of tights!
I love when I have a good quality pieces in my wardrobe, that last in time!
This leather backpack is another great buy, a timeless piece! I got it when I just finished high-school, it has a pretty unique design, handmade by a local designer/ brand, Raffaella fashion. I don't know if they still exist as a brand, but their backpack has accompanied me on many trips and adventures and it's still in the perfect condition!
SWEATER TOP: Please, (Made in Italy)
BLACK CAMI: Baby Angel by Elio Fiorucci (for Oviesse)
PANTS: United Colors of Benetton
BOOTS: Dr. Martens
BACKPACK: Raffaella fashion (Made in Croatia)
Danas za vas imam jedan novi outfit post, kroz koji cu vas povesti na mali "tour" mojeg grada, Rijeke.
Kao sto mnogi znate, ja zivim u Italiji, ali inace sam Hrvatica, rodjena i odrasla u Rijeci.
U gradu na Rjecini zivjela sam, uz poneke prekide, vise-manje, do svoje 26.godine.
Prvi puta napustila sam Rijeku u 22. godini, kada sam otisla na strucno usavrsavanje u Milano, Italiju...zatim je slijedio put u London, a nakon par godina vratila sam se bila u Rijeku i tamo zivjela i radila do svoje 26. godine, tj. do udaje.
Sada zivim u Italiji i proletjelo je vec 7 godina! Ipak, nastojim cesto posjetiti Rijeku, svoju obitelj, prijatelje i svoj hrvatski dom :-)
Na jednom takvom boravku u Rijeci, nedavno, nastale su i ove fotografije.
Na njima vas vodim kroz uske i strme, karakteristicne ulicice Rijeke, smjestene blizu samog centra, do obale i Rijecke luke...Mozda jedna od stvari koje mi sada najvise nedostaju jest upravo prekrasni pogled na zaljev i otoke, iz moje spavace sobe...
Dotaknimo se outfita...Nosim moje omiljene, crne "Marte" (promet u Rijeci je ludnica, kada sam tamo volim pjesaciti, moj tata je uvijek znao reci "cipel-cug"...haha upravo sam se nasmijala od ove pomisli!)...Vunene hlace kupila sam u Benettonu u Rijeci, ali jos prije vise od 10 godina! Ako se netko tko je iz Rijeke, a cita ovaj tekst, sjeca, kada je Benetton jos bio na samom Korzu! Volim te kvalitetne komade odjece koje mogu nositi dugi niz godina!
Kada smo vec kod kvalitete i "bezvremenskih" komada u mojem ormaru, i ovaj kozni rusak moram pohvaliti! Kupila sam ga kada sam tek zavrsila srednju skolu, u jednom rijeckom butiku. Rucno je radjen i unikatan, a proizvodjac bio je Raffaella fashion, rijecki dizajner brand za kojega ne znam postoji li jos...Ruksak je prosao sa mnom mnoga putovanja i avanture i jos je tu, kao nov i uvijek originalan!
Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj nacin prezentacije outfita!
Nastojati cu i dalje dijeliti sa vama moja omiljena mjesta kroz zanimljive outfit postove!
Great look and pictures! Love the pants
cao, hvala sto si posjetila moj blog. a gde zivis u Italiji? svidjaju mi se tvoje pantalone! pusa
Ja sam ti u regiji Veneto, a ti??
DeleteFantastiฤan blog i super postovi. Svida mi se outfit. Super pantalone. Slijedim te, draga, molim te i ti mene ;). Pls, ostanimo u kontaktu. Kiss
lovely outfit dear
Jako lep post i zanimljiv outfit! Ogrlica je predivna! Hvala ti ลกto si posetila moj blog! Pratim te na GFC-u, Fejsbuku i Bloglovin-u i nadam se da ฤeลก i ti zapratiti mene! Puno pozdrava!!! :) xoxo
nice photos, I wait for my blog
ReplyDeleteGreat look, love hte boots ;)
very nice outfit and photos!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your pants!
Follow each other? :)
Jooj zaljubila sam se u hlaฤe, baลก mi je drago da si ih ponovno otkrila u ormaru i dala im joลก jednu ลกansu, najbolji su takvi komadi s priฤom :) Marte i sama oboลพavam i nosim stalno joลก od osnovne ลกkole, a zadnjih godina ih uvijek nosim ovako uz debele ฤarape jer im inaฤe totalno uniลกte gleลพnjeve (ne znam kako prije to nisam primjeฤivala ili mi nije smetalo hah) i daaaa, u potpunosti se slaลพem s tobom po pitanju Rijeke, prometa i ลกetanja - totalni je kaos i ja isto koristim svaku priliku da idem okolo pjeลกke :)
ReplyDeleteInaฤe, joลก nekidan sam te krenula pratiti na GFC-u nakon ลกto si mi komentirala na blogu, a sad te idem i pronaฤi na Instagramu :) Pusa!
Zapratila sam te i nadam se da ฤeลก uzvratiti. Koji aparat koristiลก, fotke su divne. :)
Hej draga, hvala ti, naravno da hocu :-)
DeleteOve fotografije snimljene su sa Sony reflex aparatom (ne znam koji tip jer nije nas, vec od svekra!). Inace koristim Canon EOS 1200d, a starije fotografije snimljene su sa digitalnim Kodak foticem! xo
Thanks for your visit, and I follow, I hope you like to follow me back
ReplyDeleteYour pants, boots and necklace are awesome!
ReplyDeleteAnn |
I like the punk vibe going on. - Pretty! :)
You look cute as a button, Sonia. Thx for sharing those beautiful pictures of your home town.
Very beautiful pics!
ReplyDeleteWould you like follow each other on GFC? Follow me and I follow you :)
Wow so beautiful photos ♥
Very nice!
ReplyDeleteMe encanta todo el look, genial.
Beautiful photos, your home town looks amazing!!
ReplyDeleteI also love the plaid trousers so much.
They look ultra modern.
I can't believe you got them 10 years ago.
Hvala sto si mi se javila!
ReplyDeleteNaravno da zelim da ostanemo u kontaktu.
Sta god treba, javi mi se!
I love your pants!
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other on GFC darling? Please let me know :)
nice pants!!! you look pretty and all pictures are beautiful
Very beautiful look; I like the combination of the plaid pants with the graphic print sweat shirt.
ReplyDeletePoradi Zagreba koji je moj rodni grad, Rijeka je definitivno moj najdraลพi hrvatski grad. Ima divnu atmosferu i jednostavno mi je lijep- spoj kontinenta i mora .... jedino bi se trebala naviknuti na promet (Rijeฤani su ludi vozaฤi) :)
ReplyDeleteKombinacija je odliฤna, karirano je veliki hit a tebi odliฤno stoji. I sama volim te bezvremenske komade koje imaลก godinama i uvijek izgledaju odliฤno! :) Jako lijepa!
Love your trousers and the Doc Martens (still a big fan !!) ;) xxx
ReplyDeletesuch a beautiful city.. thank you for sharing it in your blog.. :) <3
ReplyDeleteanyway do you want to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin?
let me know.. ;*
Such comfy and casual look.Great pictures from you holiday.
ReplyDeleteHope you had an amazing holiday visited your hometown and family.
I did the same sometime wore an old clothes from my wardrobe.
Have a wonderful day.
Kisses from BKK
Kintan xoxo
So pretty..i love the trousers..they totally complete the look:)
Nice pants and boots!! Love it ; ) great combination.
ReplyDeleteKisses from Spain.
Xoxo, P.
My Showroom
Rijeka je divan grad, vjerujem da ti nedostaje!
ReplyDeleteSviฤaju mi se karirane hlaฤe, odliฤno ti stoje!
Nice place, specialy where are the ships! :D
ReplyDeleteI do not like back to poland to home because after I moved to England I lost all my friend
I like your blog :D
check my blog as well :D
regards :D
rewelacyjne masz te spodnie :D
You look so pretty!!! I love your pants!!! nice photos!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde Espaรฑa, Marcela♥
hahaha this is living with style, charm me, an example to follow.
kisses xoxoxoxo.
very great style! :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome look and pictures! =)
ReplyDeleteNEW POST on
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Amazing look! I love the pants and the necklace!
That neck piece is so pretty and the view behind you is lovely. I'm Sure your trip was fun.
Beautiful place and gorgeous pictures!!! It's truly a lovely city!!
Great photos!!!Lovely look
Izvrsne su ti fotografije..
ReplyDeleteI ja sam iz Rijeke, a moji postovi su uglavnom kada idem u naลกu, tebi poznatu, okolicu...Zapravo je baลก slatko nakon mnogih dragih blogerica po Europi i svijetu..naletjeti na jednu europsku iz susjedstva :)
Lijepi pozdrav iz burovite Rijeke
Actually, ajmo popiti kavu kada opet budeลก u Rijeci...
Martens boots are my favorite :D
ReplyDeleteBelli i pantaloni!
ReplyDeleteAlice Cerea,
che bella!! stupende foto :)
ReplyDeleteti seguo ti aspetto da me!
Alice's Pink Diary
Wow!! you look gorgeous <33333
You are so lucky to come from such a beautiful country, I love Croatia so much! Lovely photos, I adore your pants!
ReplyDeleteGreat grunge look! Totally love it!
ReplyDelete♘ ♘
Oh, I'd love to visit Croatia! The outfit is great, I like it ^^
What a beautiful outfit!! Love those pants :D
beautiful image and photo , ah summer ..
I love the photos and the look!!! *-*
ลwietnie wyglฤ dasz, pozdrawiam! :-)
ReplyDeleteSuper je outfit,,sviฤa mi se kombinacija martenki i tartana. Rijeka, jedno od mojih najdraลพih mesta na svetu :)
outfit molto particolare stai benissimo e complimenti anche x le foto ciao a presto cara
ReplyDeleteIt's impressing on how many places you already lived, but I understand although you live now in Milan that you still like it a lot to come back to your hometown. I think our roots in general are deep and thick ... Love not only your outfit with the fantastic plaid pants and the uber cool Dr. Martens but also the location! Thanks for sharing these pictures and happy weekend!
ReplyDeletexx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
You must be my age then! Great outfit - you look like that naughty girl on the streets, a bit like Peppa, but with her own style..
Sviฤa mi se outfit sa puno detalja :) I boje su usklaฤene fenomenalno! Pozdrav iz BiH :*
ReplyDeletePogledajte moj blog, sa nesto drugaฤijim sadrลพajem i podrลพite me, nova sam :)
Love the pants and the necklace. You look chic!
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other on GFC?
Ovo mi je jedan od od omiljenih outfita koje si do sad imala, jako mi se sviฤaju karirane farke i martinke mislim da je to fenomenalan spoj! :)
Sjajne su mi te tartan pantalone, jos u kombnaciji sa spustenim carapama i martinkama, pun pogodak! Tako cool izgledas u ovoj grunge kombinaciji inspirisanoj 90im! Fantasticno!
ReplyDeleteRjeka je divna, ja sam jednom bila i odusevila se! Slike su odlicne :*
Great look, love it
That is such a fun top and tartan is one of my favourite prints.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos :) I love your necklace !
ReplyDeleteFollow for follow?
Very pretty look ! :)
These tartan trousers are beautiful! Great images
Very nice pic and your outfit. You look so happy!