Thursday 6 March 2014

NEW IN: Huuuge H&M Fashion Haul (Winter Sale Items & More!)

Today I'd like to present you one of my recent shopping hauls.
I did some pretty serious damage over the past winter sales, I found some amazing deals & the cutest pieces!

I still haven't had a chance to share all my purchases with you, but I'll be doing that in the upcoming posts/videos...

In this haul, I've gathered all the things that I got at H&M over the past couple of months (most of these items were actually sale purchases, just a few were new arrivals...)

H&M shopping haul: NEW IN!

Danas vam predstavljam svoj "ulov" iz H&M-a! Vecinu ovih stvarcica kupila sam na snizenjima i cijene su bile zaista jako povoljne :)
Samo par stvarcica bilo je iz nove kolekcije, koje su mi se jako svidjele tako da im nisam mogla odoljeti...

Na proteklim sezonskim snizenjima napravila sam pravu stetu (na svom bankovnom racunu, heh!) tako da vam jos nisam niti stigla posnimati sve stvarcice, ali polako cu raditi haul videe i postove u narednih par tjedana...

Ove stvarcice koje sam nasla u H&M-u zaista su mi se jako svidjele i rado ih nosim! Neke od njih moci cu nositi i u novoj sezoni, cak i kada zatopli :)

Pocnimo sa asesoarom!

Let's start with the accessories!

Moj omiljeni predmet od gore prikazanih je definitivno ova torba (koja se sa strane siri u lepezu, pa lagano podsijeca na poznati Celine model)...koju sam kupila pred Bozic i od tada je nosim bas SVAKI DAN (a to se kod mene rijetko dogadja...inace gotovo svaki dan nosim neku drugu torbu!)...Ova mi je nekako idealna, dovoljno je velika, a opet nije preteska niti nespretna, i nekako mi bas ide uz sve odjevne kombinacije :)

My favourite item (from all the accessories above shown) is definitely the bag! On its sides it kind of opens into a fan, which reminds me slightly on the famous models of Celine bags.
I bought it just around Christmas and I have to say, I have been wearing it ever since, which is something really unsual for me!
I usually will change my bags every single day, but with this one it's different: I find that it goes with most of my outfits, and it's pretty big and spacious, but not too heavy or bulky! That's why I love it :)

Clothing items:

Idemo sada na odjevne predmete:

* must have!

* must-have!

* must-have!

* must-have!

Oznacila sam vam moje "must-have" predmete i ujedno omiljene stvarcice iz ovog shoppinga! Naravno da mi se jako svidjaju sve ove stvarcice, ali naj, najdraze su oznacene zvijezdicom (*)...

My must-have items are indicated with a little star (*)...of course, I love all of these items and I'm very happy with my shopping haul, but those are just my VERY favourite from the bunch! :)

I hope you enjoyed this haul, make sure to check out my fashion haul video, feat. all these items, here:

Nadam se da vam se svidjeo ovaj shopping haul! Pogledajte moj haul video, kliknite na "play" gore :)

Jos uvijek nije kasno prijaviti se na moje DARIVANJE povodom 500K blog posjeta!
Ucinite to OVDJE!

Don't forget to enter my big GIVEAWAY, it's still open!
You can enter HERE!

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