This month I was so lucky to have my days off work, so my hubby & I took the opportunity to go to Predazzo, a small town in the italian region called Trentino, in the mountains!
It was a super short stay, as my hubby had only a couple of days off, but we had a lot of fun!
Saturday we went exploring the town, we ate fine italian pastry and drank fruit infusions, did some sight-seeing...and in the evening we went to visit another touristic town in the mountains called Canazei, where my hubby's old friend (from student days!) is working.
Canazei is a famous ski resort, so of course, everything was still pretty much covered in snow there! I'm not a big fan of snow and skiing (actually, I can't ski, and I don't want to!) but it was fun to go there and experience something different for a change :)
Here I have for you a fun vlog of our weekend in Trentino, and some pics that we took along the way :)
Outfit of the day pics & vids are coming up soon! :)
Hubby did a little photo shoot of my car :)
All the tuning work has been done by him (you can visit his website HERE! and his youtube channel HERE!)
Fiat Punto MK1 tuning by Stile Italia |
Predazzo: Centre of the town |
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My hubby & his friend |
Drage curke!
Danasnji blog post je vezan uz jedan novi vlog koji sam objavila na svojem youtube kanalu prosli tjedan!
Ovaj mjesec imala sam kratki godisnji odmor pa smo muzic i ja iskoristili priliku i "skocili" do mjesta Predazzo u talijanskim planinama (Dolomiti), regija Trentino.
Muzic nije imao puno slobodnih dana na raspolaganju (samo vikend), tako da je nas posjet Predazzu bio kratak, ali smo se dobro zabavili!
U subotu smo isli u istrazivanje grada i uzivali u talijanskim slasticama i tipicnoj kuhinji regije Trentino, a navecer smo otisli do obliznjeg turistickog skijalista (turistickog mjesta) Canazei, gdje radi muzicev stari prijatelj iz studentskih dana!
Naravno, susret je bio za pamcenje jer se njih dvoje dugo nisu vidjeli :)
Ja nisam obozavateljica snijega ni skijalista (ne znam skijati, niti zelim nauciti!), ali bilo je lijepo dozivjeti taj ugodaj snijega i planina.
Ostavljam vas uz vlogic (koji mozete pogledati OVDJE i par slicica koje smo usput snimili ;)
Naravno, nisam zaboravila na OOTD slicice i videe, koje cu vam prikazati u narednim postovima!
Nadam se da ste i vi ugodno proveli vikend!
Pusa iz Italije!
It seems you enjoyed alot dear......xoxoxo.....^_^
Thank you Maria! Yes, I really had a lovely weekend & lots of fun! :)