Bok svima!
Hi lovelies! :)
Pripremila sam, po vasem "requestu", jedan popularan TAG video, u kojem vam pokazujem...sto se nalazi u mojoj torbi!
I filmed, based on your request, a popular TAG video, showing you...what's inside of my bag!
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Trenutno mi je ova torba, kupljena u jednom talijanskom butiku, jedna od omiljenih torbi sezone :) This bag is bought in one italian boutique and it's among my favourite bags of the season! :) |
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A u kozmetickoj torbici... Inside of my make up bag... |
Video pogledajte ovdje:
(Watch here the video "What's in my Bag"):
Jedan od mojih prvih videa na engleskom jeziku bio je bas video TAG "What's in my Bag?" kojeg sam snimila prije par godina! Ukoliko vas zanima koja mi je tada bila omiljena torba i sto sam u njoj nosila, pogledajte video ovdje:
One of my very first youtube videos in english language, was exactly this TAG video ("What's in My Bag?") that I filmed a couple of years ago!
If you'd like to see what was my favourite bag back then, and what did I carry inside, check out the old version of "What's in My Bag?" video here:
(znam, intro mi je bio predugacak i na engleskom nisam bila bas "najspretnija", ali to su bili poceci pa se nadam da cete mi oprostiti i svejedno uzivati u videu!)
(I know, my intro was too long, and my english wasn't the best, but I was only starting out with youtube videos, so I hope you can forgive me for that and still enjoy this video!)
One of my very first youtube videos in english language, was exactly this TAG video ("What's in My Bag?") that I filmed a couple of years ago!
If you'd like to see what was my favourite bag back then, and what did I carry inside, check out the old version of "What's in My Bag?" video here:
(znam, intro mi je bio predugacak i na engleskom nisam bila bas "najspretnija", ali to su bili poceci pa se nadam da cete mi oprostiti i svejedno uzivati u videu!)
(I know, my intro was too long, and my english wasn't the best, but I was only starting out with youtube videos, so I hope you can forgive me for that and still enjoy this video!)
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