Hello beauties!
I reviewed my favourite skincare & bodycare line of the moment, Caudalie!
It's been months that I'm obsessed with this line & enjoy using their products. The ones I've tried out so far, had such a beneficial effects on my skin, that I've decided to keep using these products, and repurchase them once I use them up!
Also, I'm going to continue trying out some new products from Caudalie, that I haven't tried out yet, as I highly doubt they'll manage to disappoint me! :)
You can find out more about Caudalie and the products that I currently love, in my review video, here:
(in english language)
So far, I've tried out five products from Caudalie, only one bodycare, and the rest are skincare!
Here they are:
Caudalie Crushed Cabernet Scrub Slimming action- strong exfoliation vinotherapie 150g |
- 99% natural, this scrub slims and smoothes the skin.
Use 2 times a week, massage on wet skin and rinse with care.
Its slimming action and strong exfoliation will prepare your skin for anti-cellulite treatments, or self tanner application.
- Crushed Cabernet Piling Za Tijelo
Snazna eksfoliacija, potice mrsavljenje.
Piling s krupnim granulama ostavlja vasu kozu nevjerojatno mekom i glatkom.
Glavni sastojci: anticelulitna esencijalna ulja iz organskog uzgoja (smreka, ruzmarin, geranij), drenirajuca esencijalna ulja iz organskog uzgoja (limun, limunska trava i cempres), mljevene sjemenke grozda i kristalici smedeg secera, hidratantno ulje grozdanih sjemenki, akvitanijski med...
Purifying Mask Clarifying, anti- blemish soft clays, sage & zinc All skin types 50ml |
- Instant purity, this non- drying mask eliminates complexion- dulling impurities to brighten and purify the skin.
Use twice a week to wet face, leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
What makes this product unique?
"Concentrated in plant- based active extracts, Caudalie masks are professional skin care treatments created specifically for Caudalie Vinotherapie Spas."
82% purified skin
non comedogenic
against animal testing
- Prociscavajuca maska 50ml
Za cistu i sjajnu kozu, eliminira necistoce, a ne isusuje kozu.
Nanijeti 2 puta tjedno na vlaznu kozu lica i nakon 10 minuta isprati. Sadrzi meku glinu koja umiruje i prociscava, kadulju i cink koji prociscavaju, te ulje sjemenki grozda koje hrani i njeguje kozu.
Beauty Elixir smoothing- glowing complexion all skin types 100ml |
- Inspired by the "elixir of youth" used by Queen Isabelle of Hungary, this skincare visibly smoothes features, tightens the appearance of pores and provides a burst of radiance to the complexion.
Shake before use, close your eyes and mist onto the face before applying your moisturizer and at any time of the day to refresh the skin or set make-up.
Ingredients: grape, orange blossom, rose, organic balm mint, rosemary...
0% parabens, phenoxyethanol.
against animal testing.
100% natural fragrance
- Inspiriran poznatim "eliksirom mladosti" madarske kraljice Isabelle, ovaj posvjetljujuci tretman u serumu omeksava crte lica i suzava pore te je odlicna podloga za make- up.
Glavni sastojci: ekstrakt grozda za posvjetljivanje puti, tonizirajuci ruzmarin, esencijalno ulje metvice i maticnjaka adstringentnog djelovanja, mirta...
Obozavan medju slavnima diljem svijeta i omiljen medju make-up strucnjacima!
Grape Water soothing- moisturizing spray sensitive skin 200ml |
- 100% organic grapes; extracted from grapes during the harvest, this mist soothes, refreshes and moisturizes the skin at any time of the day. Do not rub in after spraying.
0% preservatives, fragrance- free, against animal testing.
- Grozdana vodica; ekstrahirana tijekom berbe iz organski uzgojenog grozda, ova lagana umirujuca vodica osvjezava i hidratizira kozu u svako doba dana.
100% grozde iz organskog uzgoja
Gentle Buffing Cream Sensitive skin 60ml |
- Exfoliates impurities and dead skin cells. Restores your skin's radiance.
Apply on cleansed skin once or twice a week, massaging gently on wet face and neck. Rinse with water.
Ingredients: jojoba microbeads, grape- seed oil, honey...
0% parabens, phenoxyetanol, artificial colorings, mineral oils...against animal testing.
- Njezna piling krema, omiljeni je piling osjetljive koze.
Ova piling krema odstranjuje necistoce i mrtve stanice, ostavljajuci kozu cistom i sjajnom.
Glavni sastojci: hidratizirajuce ulje iz sjemenki grozda, mikrogranule jojobe za dubinsko ciscenje, med za regeneraciju, hranjenje i stanicnu stimulaciju...
I'm in love with all these products and they have all made such a huge difference in my skincare and bodycare routine!
I can honestly recommend all the products mentioned here!
I will be doing more reviews of Caudalie products, as I have a long wish list, and I'm planning to purchase some of the products from this list soon :)
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My Caudalie products make me :) |
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My beauty must- haves! |
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Having fun while filming my Caudalie review video! |
(In croatian...)
Caudalie n.(kodali) (enoloski izraz)- mjerna jedinica...koja pokazuje duljinu trajanja arome i okusa vina na nepcu nakon sto smo popili gutljaj vina.
Sto je vino kvalitetnije, kodali je dulji i intenzivniji.
Najsnazniji antioksidans poznat u biljnom svijetu. Antioksidansi neutraliziraju slobodne radikale koji su glavni uzrok starenja koze. Oni su najbolji stit protiv starenja koze.
Vraca kozi njezinu cvrstocu i mladolik izgled. Medicinski fakultet na sveucilistu Harvard proglasio je ovaj sastojak najucinkovitijim za produzivanje zivotnog vijeka stanice. Neophodno!
Sok iz grozdjanih peteljki u proslosti je koristen za umanjenje tamnih mrlja i posvjetljivanje tena mladih zena. Sto se krije iza tog iznimnog fenomena?
Viniferin koji su ptkrili i patentirali Caudalie istrazivaci, stite od nastajanja tamnih mrlja i osiguravaju kozi ujednacenu put.
Ekstrahirana iz pulpe organski uzgojenog grozdja, ova biljna voda bogata je polisaharidima i oligoelementima te ima izvanredna hidratizirajuca i omeksavajuca svojstva.
Cisto i profinjeno nemasno ulje bogato je omega-6 masnim kiselinama i vitaminom E.
Regenerira i hrani cak i vrlo dehidrirani epidermis.
Sastojak ekstrahiran iz stijenke vinskog kvasca koji ima sposobnost da zadrzi volumen vode 100 puta veci od vlastitog volumena. Jaca koznu barijeru.
Eto, nakon ovog malog leksikona i boljeg upoznavanja na cemu se baziraju Caudalie proizvodi za njegu koze i tijela, nije li istina da biste ih rado isprobali sve? ;)
I hope that this review was interesting & helpful to many!
If you have any questions, leave it to me in the comment's section!
I'd also like to know, have you ever tried out anything from Caudalie, and if so, did you happen to like any product in particular and which one?
Kisss from cloudy Italy,
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